We are living in an intertwined system of psychological and chemical warfare with a psychiatric side to it (1)

“Hi folks. I’m Alan Watt and this is Cutting Through the Matrix on the 26th of November 2007. For newcomers, look into cuttingthroughthematrix.com for lots of downloadable material you can get from the archives lots and lots of shows, talks on histories et cetera and look into alanwattsentientsentinel.eu where you can get downloadable transcripts that you can copy and pass around to your friends in the various tongues of Europe, because, true enough, we’re all in this together. The whole planet is on a course right now towards a form of totalitarianism, which doesn’t just have one end in sight. It has a continuum and a step after another leading to a Brave New World. A Brave New World where many people have already been conditioned mainly through science fiction and books in between as well to mold our minds into an acceptance of this gradual slippery slope into oblivion, because that’s where ultimately it would lead.

Government has more to do with just handling people and managing economics so you can lead your lives. Government is in the business of maintaining power and control over people. That’s its main purpose and we know from the talks I’ve given and citing the books from guys who certainly were in on the know that there are two governments on the go and there have been for a long time. The one that you elect or you think you elect and the real ones who are the bosses who have the real power as Carroll Quigley said, those who go behind the scenes who are not elected who have, at least they know they have real power and not just the appearance of power.

These are the real movers and shakers, sometimes referred to as the grey men. Those who go between the world of light, meaning the ones that you see, your presidents, prime ministers and so on; and the ones you don’t see, the big managers of the world. This is an intertwined system completely intertwined where you have military and the military itself is split up into so many sections: psychological warfare, chemical warfare and almost a psychiatric side of it, too, where they go into the manufacturing of specific drugs which will affect your minds, make you very calm. I’ll be reading some of that later on just to backup something that Rumsfeld said after 9/11.

It was Rumsfeld who talked about the possibility of aerial spraying over large cities with aerosolized Valium and Prozac in times of emergency to keep the people calm. Here’s another little article come out recently along the same lines and it might give us an idea of what’s already been happening to us because of the aerial spraying that’s been going on for 10 years solid now. I’ll be back with more of this after the following messages.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]


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