We are in the midst of a 100-year war of a military-industrial complex where generations are being militarized & desensitized

“Hi folks. I’m Alan Watt and this is Cutting Through the Matrix on November 21st, 2007. Newcomers, go into cuttingthroughthematrix.com and download as much as you want on the histories of this poor old planet of ours that we find out isn’t ours at all. You can download it until your heart’s content, lots of information to do with the players and all the groups and associations and foundations that all work meshed together in this big system which they control. Look into alanwattsentientsentinel.eu for transcripts in the tongues of Europe.

I spent the last few days going over a lot of the photographs you don’t get on the mainstream news, where they show you the sanitized war, smart bombs and soldiers giving out chocolate to children, and it’s what the American troops and the British too and others are doing over in Afghanistan and Iraq and it’s awfully disgusting, incredibly disgusting, but at the same time it’s what I expected. I knew what was going on because they have raised one purpose, the generation, the particular generation to do exactly what they’re doing. They created the culture for them.

They gave them their ‘mortality’ if you like, just like Bertrand Russell said they would do from kindergarten onwards and they also gave them video games. Video games which were designed initially years ago long before we had the internet, designed for the military alone because it was to desensitize soldiers so they would kill their target without thinking. Without having any idea really there’s a real human being there. That was just a target to kill on impulse. A Pavlovian type training and that’s why they had the big push many years ago now to give this kind of game playing role to the children to bring them up on it, to desensitize them, and now of course they’re coming out and admitting that in some of the papers. Not only admitting it but telling us they’re going to push it further and that the military-industrial complex and the governments are behind it because they want a militarized desensitized next generation to take over and perhaps be even more ruthless, because this is to be a hundred years war like Mr. Rumsfeld said. We should listen to what they say because these characters, in amongst all the lies they give us, will tell us little things, little statements they make where they tell us the true psychopathic truth and we ignore it because we don’t want to hear it. It’s the bad news and I’ll be back with more of this bad news and telling you what’s behind it after the following messages.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]


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