We are all owned and we’ve been under tremendous attack to make us the stupidest generation that’s ever existed

“Now what would they do to the public that would make them get off their hind ends, stop watching TV and start rebelling and revolting? What on earth was coming along the pike?

You can see them already. They’ve taken over the food supply of the planet because the five agri-food business that somehow just happen to get authority over it all are now in charge of it like Archer Daniels Midland. That’s ADM, which is ADAM, red and ruddy, the earth, you see. They do like their little jokes. Monsanto and all the rest of it, they’ve all taken over the food supply of the world and now they’re privatizing into it, again, a handful of people or corporations the water supply of the planet and all the other resources that you need to keep alive. That’s your oil, your fuel, all the rest the things you heat yourself with, if you live in cold climates, are all going under this revision of a few people, a few corporations. Remember what Professor Carroll Quigley said: ‘This new feudal system will be run by the executives, the CEOs of big international corporations,’ and technically they’re all interwoven because the Class A shares which they sell are owned by the same people, the same few families. All the B shares are sold off to the general public.

Really, we’re already owned. What that happens you’re owned. When everything you need for living is owned by someone else you’re technically a slave and you live, as they used to say in the Middle Ages, at their mercy. At their mercy and that’s where we are today and its’ happening as we’ve never had such a binge as before while we’re going through entertainment binges like never ever before and plastic cards are flying all over the place and credit never ends and people really don’t care. They’ve never had so many diversions and fantasies to take their minds away from what’s actually happening as today – all by intent. We’ve been attacked from birth with inoculations, genetically modified food, a lot of aluminum oxide basically, fluoride in the water, which they knew back in the early 1900’s would actually end up in the brain and destroy brain cells. All of this was known back then, so we’ve been under tremendous attack to make us the stupidest generation that’s ever existed.

We’ve also had the most mind control of any previous generation because we grew up with the tv, television. We grew up with indoctrination being given to us every night through mainstream media and through what we thought was entertainment. ‘Entertained’ means to go under the cover, to lift the veil and go inside into a fantasy; and when you’re into a fantasy, your censor part of your brain is down. You’re not expecting to be attacked and you start to enjoy the themes, always in a human context because humans are fascinated obviously by watching humans. That’s what they give you, but in amongst all the dramas they give you you’ll find there’s so many messages for predictive programming. I’ll be back with more of this predictive programming and what’s been happening after the following messages.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]


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