Wars are a big con and everything has to do with China, the bad guy

“Hi folks. Alan Watt here with Cutting Through the Matrix, and this is November 14th, 2007. Newcomers, check into cuttingthroughthematrix.com and download as much as you want for free.

I go into lots of the histories leading up to this global system we’re now really into and the various institutions and groups that are all working in cahoots behind the scenes to bring it all about, and how they’ve been planning it for such a long, long time and when you can’t get the people’s consent you simply force them into it through fear and terror. Look into alanwattsentientsentinel.eu for transcripts you can download in the various tongues of Europe.

Watching all of the things that are happening in the world, you can see that they’re speeding up this process as they run out of enemies. They’ve always got to have enemies lined up in a row, this big military-industrial complex, because that’s the only way they’ve controlled societies and nations up until now. If you go into your histories you’ll find that during World War II these same groups who were funded by the big institutions and foundations that are behind the wars in society, you’ll find that they talked a lot to put front men out to talk a lot about the causes of wars and of course they blamed the people for this. Yet the last thing people think about when they’re trying to earn their daily bread and get through life is to have a war with the guys over that invisible line that’s been drawn on a map somewhere.

It doesn’t occur to them. It takes money, bankers and governments to bring wars about. They have to tax you to make it happen and they have to get you all geared for it by dehumanizing those guys over that invisible line and that’s how they do it down through the ages, but they’re running out of targets now and they have them all lined up in a row. Don’t kid yourself that it’s just the Middle East. The Middle East is only part of the agenda because now they’re starting the saber ratlling and it’s all a big con, like the Cold War was a con, to do with China. China, the country that was set up by the same foundations and the big bankers from the west. China, the modern industrial complex that supplies the world with all of its needs. It’s now going to be the bad guy. Possibly, possibly mind you, not definitely, but possibly in the future because they’re going to run out of all the other enemies; and how do you control billions of people without an enemy?

They have to create them and therefore they’re going to put billions more dollars into this new falcon, this high altitude almost a space ship thing that will travel across the earth. I guess they forgot all about the missiles they created in the Cold War and this falcon can arrive over its target in minutes, they claim, and basically deliver all these bombs and if they wanted to they could split the world in two. We’re supposed to chew our fingernails and hope it never happens because that’s what they did during the Cold War. We were all going to be annihilated any second and you obeyed them very, very well through fear. “


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