Video games were designed to create generations of people who would become soldiers because they were used before in the military to desensitize recruits

“Hi folks. I’m Alan Watt back with Cutting Through the Matrix. I’m talking about how video games were designed to create generations of people who would eventually become soldiers, because the games were initially used to desensitized recruits in the military long before, long, long before we heard of computers and so on. In fact you can go back into the records of the training manuals of the U.S. Army as only once instance. They’d already done it in Europe for centuries and they just copied their methods. However, they were using methods long, long ago to desensitize recruits so that they’d kill more efficiently, because they found out even as far back as the Civil War that in some of the major battlefields maybe only 17 out of every 100 actually fired their muskets (the ones who were dead), and they’d pick up these muskets on the field and check if they were fired or not. They were deciding ways they would actually train people and create a war type of culture so they could always recruit ongoing, if need be, with every generation. This was stepped up especially after and during the Vietnam Era.

It’s no news today that they’re going into using drugs on the military to create the new type of drug-induced aggressive solider. They’ve tried that out. They tried that back in Vietnam with particular drugs. You should see the movie called “Jacob’s Ladder.” It’s well worth seeing because the drug they mentioned in there that they sprayed from helicopters was actually used in Vietnam. It was designed initially to make them very, very aggressive and they tried it on monkeys first of all before they tried it on soldiers and the monkeys literally ripped their limbs off of each other. This is the sort of thing the military is into because they don’t care about the average trooper. That’s just to get them in as recruits. They just want you to go off and kill people and if you get killed on the way, you’re just a number anyway. There’s always another one to come in behind you.

They used video games, initially created for the military, put together by psychologists and professionals and tremendous understanding of the human mind with histories to back it all up too of warfare techniques and so on, and what gets imprinted on your brain. Imprinting is very important with games and with other things too. Ask the advertising industry. Sex sells, for instance, and you mix sex with violence and you certainly have got quite the combination there, because all the primitive aspects in the limbic system come to the surface and manifest themselves. This is all really well understood in the high sectors of the military in all countries.

Now I had a letter from a woman who’s trying to help a youngster who was addicted to these video games. I’m going to read it and keep the names out and it says: ‘Dear Alan Watt: If anyone knows this, you do, I need any info that shows that violent computer games and films and music produce unbidden flashbacks or visions of violence.’

The answer to that is: it’s a fact, yes. This is known. The problem is most of the information although it’s out in the higher psychological circles at universities, most of it’s kept from the general public. They don’t talk about this in the general media.

She says:

‘As you know too well the current generation has been reared on violent video games formerly reserved for military and police training to help the trainees overcome their natural aversion to killing. Today’s 18 year olds were introduced in preschool to stalking people with weapons.

That’s what it is. They’re getting taught to stalk people and to hunt them down with weapons.

‘The full array of books, TV and music by constant connection to either the internet, the iPod, radio, cell phones is what they are offered when they become teenagers. Along with this are pop psyche courses on mental pathology. Health courses on pathology. The pathology of the environment. Along with that are do-it-yourself mental health assessments and parties for teens to fill out these questionnaires to see if they are psychotic, obsessive-compulsive or something else pathological. I’m trying to help an extremely gifted young man who spent many hours playing video games and who had sudden visions of violence out of the blue. It concerned him. He never acted on violence and in fact has been known for his compassion and willingness to help others, even doing sacrificial things to help others. He recognized the game playing as an addiction when he was 10 years of age and gave the games up for a year almost. He played them sometimes he said with his stepbrother but he decided to go back to the games a year later. He avoided things like Grand Theft Auto and believed he was exercising some prudence but he virtually admitted this was an addiction. A year and a half ago he got into heavy metal music in several bands with names like Incubus and Succubus. He began watching Nip Tuck and CSI–‘

I’ve talked about these types of programs before.

‘…which both dissect bodies while playing almost–

Listen to this and it’s true. Listen to this.

‘…hymnal music. Just like hymns in the background if you listen to it. It’s almost like a sacred act to dissect these bodies. He began going to films with killing sprees in the movies. He took tests to see if he was sociopathic or psychopathic. I told him sociopaths and psychopaths have no conscience, feel no remorse or shame. Have no compassion. Have no sense of justice. This boy was said by teachers to have these two abnormally developed degrees. It’s truly a statement on our times when a child can be said to be abnormal for having these qualities of compassion and so on. The traits still exist although the boy is trying to override them. He recently demonstrated great remorse for a time and redirected his actions. He’s in touch with friends and chatroom associates and has been raised on these psychological diagnosis as well as a psychotic culture fare. These contacts reorient him to that disorienting world. As I look back on my own teens years I recall the surprises my generation got when our free choice, supposedly free choice, to take LSD turned out to be not so free. First people learned they couldn’t do something as simple as go to sleep when they wanted to because the drug kept them up. Then they found the flashbacks would come out of nowhere. Later of course we found that the drug
that was supposed to help us make an anti-establishment statement had been delivered to everyone by the established government…’

That’s true. That’s who was behind it, actually your security services working for the government. That’s who was behind bringing the drugs in.

‘So I compared that with the computer game violence that this generation as been absorbing since preschool and these visions of violence and wondered if like LSD these produce flashback experiences out of the blue. Because they aren’t game story related, children that have them believe these are their own personal visions of violence and conclude that there must be something sociopathic or psychotic with them. Have you come across information along these lines in your research? I’ve read that people find themselves addicted but have not seen anything about violent visions spontaneously happening in children or teenagers or anything relating to computer game residue. How can it not happen that way? If a person is mugged, he or she will have flashbacks of the event. Anyone who has experienced a violent assault or disruptive experience will have them. These so-called games are an assault on children’s tender minds and on teenagers developing minds and the experiences take place for hours at a time day after day throughout their formative years.’

That’s one of the many types of letters I get to do with people who understand and see what’s happening to the youngsters and, as I say, what they might not know is that there are people, lots and lots of people who are employed by government agencies who are working hand-in-glove with the makers of these big violent video games, mainly from Japan. Japan is a big player. They lead the field in altering the cultures of people. They have specialists in all different mental health areas working on these things and really it’s U.S. and British companies and other international companies that are based in Japan that take the lead and then market it to the children. What do you tell relatives and friends when they do what everyone else does, and that’s buy your child one of these games for birthdays or Christmas? What do you do? Do you accept it and let them do it, or do you ignore what your child does anyway? Most people just simply ignore it thinking everyone’s doing it so it must be all right, but these games are literally meant to desensitize your children from killing and the acts of killing.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]

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