Times of Malta failed to inform the public about the Great Economic & Biological Reset, which is now seeing the surrendering and rehoming of pets!

In its article ‘People are struggling to afford their pets’, Times of Malta came to the conclusions that this site has been reporting in various blogs which were published last year and last January when it comes to pets. Months later, and Times of Malta wakes up to inform the public about the matter. This time, Times of Malta, it is not better late than never but it is, unfortunately too late.

In its article, TOM brings together the concerns of many animal activists about the current, local situation when it comes to pets, since, “many pet owners can no longer afford to care for their cats or dogs, with sanctuaries seeing ‘massive increases’ in rehoming requests. According to one activist, ‘people can’t cope with the upkeep of their pets and one of the biggest problems is the increase in clinical expenses.’

Another activist said that people are ‘giving up their pets for various reasons that include financial difficulties, moving to a new place that does not accept pets, leaving the country and health reasons.’

Animal activist Maxine Borg, ‘said that, over the past months, pet food prices had increased and clinic costs also spiralled. A pack of milk sachets that previously cost some €16, now sell at €30’.

I have warned about the Great Reset since 2021, as it was part of the plan for COVID-19. COVID-19 was just a tiny fragment of the whole plan. It was just a stepping stone. People laughed, and now here we are. I am frequently coming across many posts about the rehoming of pets because the owner is very ill. Some posts add that the owners are incapable of taking their pet for a walk due to health reasons. Others say that the owners have passed away suddenly and the pet is on its own in the home. Vaccinated pet owners? If the Times of Malta had not pushed the propaganda and the narrative and warned the public, don’t you think that it would have made a difference in so many human and animal lives? But who cares?!

Any solutions? Yes. In one particular blog, I wrote about the need for the Animal Welfare Ministry to open a clinic which will not only see to the care of its strays, but it can also give the public access while offering excellent service at a lower cost against a donation or at a very affordable price. In this particular blog, published on 23rd August 2023, I added,

“Why am I stating so? Because the cry amongst animal activists and pet owners is one and the same:

Unfortunately, the majority of local veterinary clinics have been turned into another business and a money-making machine where all they see is money. Poor are those people who cannot afford to pay such hefty amounts to take care of their beloved pet. Poor are those pet owners who either don’t drive or cannot take their pets to the vet, especially if the latter have become bed-bound. Very few vets today do house visits.

Today vets have stationed themselves in their white-washed clinics while you are greeted by a receptionist, and sweets. Who cares if today your dog needs a blood test and it costs €120, apart from the medication? Needless to say, you go out with a smile on your face with a wallet shedding tears after it had a look at your €200 chit! And then they make sure to keep you hooked and advise you that another blood test is needed in a month’s time. Often, they sell you industrialised food from their clinic too. United in love and money with Big Pharma and the Food Industry for your pet!

This site also happened to get information that luckily there are two local clinics, which I won’t mention by their names, which charge €40 and €45 respectively for a blood test! Can I ask why is there such a discrepancy from such two clinics to the others where it seems that the rip-off is loud and clear?

So, if the Animal Welfare Department opens such a clinic, not only to help its strays but also to offer a service with a difference to the public, it can also generate funds!

Is this country truly united to work for the health and benefit of animals, or is it going round in circles, leaving the true victims, the animals, which are at our mercy and have no voice, out of the equation?”

In future pieces, this site will offer some handy, tried-and-tested solutions to pet owners that will make them avoid veterinary care as much as possible and that can help them buy cheap but nutritious food.

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