This system is about economics, control and power

“This system is about economics and control and power. It’s control by a few down through the ages who interbred like crazy and even if they in the past got one or two offspring or about 10 that was half savvy, meaning not done under by intense interbreeding or deformed, they were quite happy because that one was pretty well guaranteed to be fairly physically fit and have the acuity of thought necessary to be a good psychopath; and psychopaths are not worried. They don’t worry about things. They’re very cool. In fact, they can’t handle frustration. They must get rid of their frustration rather quickly, unload it out there. Unload it on someone else and make them work through all the hassles. That’s what psychopaths are good at, but they do enjoy pleasure and enjoy power over people. Power makes them feel safe and some theories say that these people have tremendous fear in them. I don’t believe so. I really don’t believe that. They might have a natural fear, no more than the average person of other forces, other powers taking over or stepping into their little world and taking their power away, but I don’t think they run on fear whatsoever. It’s not a fear-based thing.

No matter how it’s tried to rationalize, these psychopaths go on slaughtering campaigns in the past. They’re doing it now, too, although they use other ones to do it for them. They do use the youth of today, the young guys who aren’t too bright who haven’t learned much in the world. They’re too young to learn. It won’t be until they hit about 30 or 40 they’ll start thinking and questioning anything in life. Right now they’re full of hormones. They’ve been brought up on video games and now they’re given the real weapons to go off and bash people and they’re doing a good job of it. They enjoy it and they get rather vicious when one of their own eventually is killed, so they go out and slaughter a bunch of those guys over there. The guys that they’re taught are somehow subhuman because you always do that in wartime. You must dehumanize the enemy and bring him down to the stage of an animal. The footage that’s now coming out of the Middle East of our brave young boys over there kicking and booting people out of their homes, children and women too, it wouldn’t make you too proud I don’t think. At least I would hope it wouldn’t make you proud, regardless of what Uncle Sam does or John Bull. John Bull of course is just Britain’s version of Uncle Sam for Britain.

That’s what’s happening in the world. We’re living in a plundering society run by dominant elites and large families all connected — interconnected, intermarried and they have been for a long time and they run all major religions. They are at the top of all major religions and there are many, many guesses as to where their origins came from. What is interesting is that the main MO [modus operandi] all comes from Egypt, like pyramids and so on and obelisks and all that kind of stuff. It’s true that they started to bring in the middle classes into their system to be the lower helpers to ensure their system would work, and that was called Freemasonry.

We’re on a roll today as they go across the Middle East and they hope eventually to take on Iran this winter. If they do, your oil will go through the roof probably as planned. Mr. Rumsfeld himself said over a year ago, he says, when we can break the psychological $50 oil barrel mark, he said, the skies the limit, don’t be surprised if 011 doubles in a year’s time. Now we’re almost hitting $100 a barrel. What did he know that we didn’t know back then? He’s a good guesser, right? I’ll be back after these messages.

Hi folks. Alan Watt back with Cutting Through the Matrix, and just going through some of the perception distortion that we’ve been fed down through the ages and how it’s still going on and even bigger in fact because now we’re being told in North America that we should rethink our definition of privacy, because in this Brave New World you see there can be no privacy whatsoever. That’s the system they’re bringing in. No privacy and it’s their right to simply come in and look for whatever they want in your life and find anything that they want and that’s really what their on is fishing trips. They must know all about you, in a society which is run in a totalitarian fashion everyone must be predictable. That’s the point of all of this. You must be predictable. They don’t want someone that’s unpredictable because then you might bust the matrix, your little ripple there that comes through and so they want to know who you are, how you think, what makes you tick and how they can possibly win you over or eliminate you if need be. That’s how it works and these guys mean business. They are psychopathic at the top and there’s generations of them.

The problem is they’ve given us a psychopathic system and this is the culture we live in where it’s dog eat dog and it’s filtered all the way down through society and we unfortunately have taken on the traits of the psychopaths too. We have lost our natural empathy towards other people. We don’t want to see them being tossed out their homes when they can’t afford their mortgage or their rent or whatever it happens to be. We don’t want to watch the bad stuff about the news when they’re killing people abroad and plundering their land and all that kind of stuff. We are taking on the same traits and when we lose empathy for other people and people we don’t even know and people we’ll never meet, then you’re actually showing that you’re losing your ability for self-preservation because survival is a cohesive thing amongst humanity.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]

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