This site prays that all those priests who walk in the spirit unite and fight the evil agendas

This site prays that all those local and international priests who walk in the spirit, unite and fight evil agendas. Please do not stand on your own. Unite and stand up against Satan’s minions’ agendas.

It doesn’t matter how many you are – whether you are a few or many. God will always walk with you, and before you and thus, even if the wind blows, all you would need to do is adjust the sails and your ship will keep on sailing. Would you rather stay silent or stand up for humanity, in Jesus’ name?

Look at bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel who has something that very, very few have: he elevates continuously the name of Jesus and is not afraid to say the truth even if it offends other religions. He also speaks openly about the globalists, who are Satan’s minions, and their satanic agendas. He does so because he understands the power of the Holy Spirit. Unfortunately these traits are very rare in today’s priests, bishops, archbishops. and even popes, who are leading the church and souls to a dry, spiritual desert. Priests today are becoming a social and psychological decoration of a money-making organization. Where is the authority that God gave you?

Allow, dear priests, the Holy Spirit to breathe in you, work with you, and in you.

Look at the bishop’s attack. It is so sad that not even in church people are safe. Yet, God is great. God is good. According to one report, the knife did not open immediately. Otherwise it would have penetrated his neck, killing him instantly. When it opened, it hit his back and chest, which prevented his death. According to another report, when the attacker tried to stab him, the attacker’s switch blade failed to open, so Mar Mari was beaten repeatedly with only a closed, blunt knife. The bishop is injured, but not seriously. Whatever the explanation, there is power in that cross and in the blood for Jesus and I believe God is using this for a higher purpose – which is already materialising and which will continue to flourish.

Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel has put his life on the line in the name of Jesus. His image holding up the cross against another holding up a knife is perhaps the defining image of our times.

If only more priests follow the bishop’s example. The love he has for Christ and the word of God do not even sit side by side the Vatican dogma. The bishop’s rock is Jesus. Why is it that for many priests their rock is the Vatican and the Pope, and not Jesus? Your shepherd is Jesus, and no one else. So roll up your sleeves and start working for a beautiful revolution in the church, because there will come a time when the people will seek a church, but they won’t find any.

God is so good. Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel is a holy man, and the world needs priests to preach more like Bishop Mari because people are not only starving for the word, but the evil agendas have gradually emptied them from a spiritual compass.

It is the time to unite the church as the Bishop had repeated often.

It is time to unite the church as Christ always wanted, in His name. He is the head, and no other church leader is.

When a man puts his life on the line in the name of Jesus, truly God is with that man.

Will you, dear priests who are feeling called for this mission, put your life on the line in the name of Jesus, and fight the evil agendas?

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