They set up the dominoes and then they knock them down in a row and it’s all planned

“Hi folks. Alan Watt back with Cutting Through the Matrix. It sure is one incredible matrix but planned long ago because they don’t make spontaneous enemies or just decided the day before they’re going to attack certain countries, any more than they did attack Afghanistan after 9/11 if you look at all the troops that were already amassing along the border for months before 9/11. Someone knew something was up and this is just part of the domino effect as they say. They set up the dominoes and then they knock them down in a row and it’s all planned. That’s what you hire thousands of these guys in intelligence to do is to plan the future and it’s all to do with control. Always maintaining control over your own people first and then the rest you’re going to take over. That’s what it’s always been about.

Before the site, I was going to mention that people should compare this to the movie put out by Terry Gilliam of Monty Python fame and he laid it all on the line in a comedy called ‘Brazil.’ Done about 12 years ago, I think, the movie and it had everything in it including a society run where there’s terrorism everywhere. No one ever sees a terrorist and they even quip about that all throughout the movie. ‘Mom, have you actually seen a terrorist?’ And she says, no, but explosions always go off and they don’t find anyone and the biggest department in the whole nation is the Department of Information Retrieval and that’s what all of this is about. We’re all being monitored individually. Everything about us is going into a Department of Information Retrieval and so he knew that, too, because he went to one of the best schools as well.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]

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