The world will be one of service to the world state

“It’s a managed society. A society where you will not have a single right on what you do. It will all be made for you. All the decisions will be made for you, including what you work at. In fact including if you’re even born, because they don’t want you if there’s no place for you to serve the new world system and that was basically put into the foundations the tenants of the Royal Institute for International Affairs and its American organization called The Council on Foreign Relations. The world is a world to be of service — service to the world state. It takes years to set all this up. It takes years to propagandize it into our heads, to download it into us until we believe it all and now they’re on a roll, so believe you me, it will be incessant now. Green, green, green until we all succumb and go moldy.

Now on the BBC news on Thursday the 15th of November, the Foreign Secretary for Britain is now pushing for an expansion of the union. Now you’ve got to understand how you perceive things. It’s all to do with terminology, the way terminology is used. At one time if you wanted to build an empire you were an empire builder; and again, don’t forget the roots of the Cecil Rhodes Foundation and the Lord Milner Society that combined to form the Royal Institute for International Affairs which serves the old, old aristocracy of Britain. That’s who runs it at the top. They have run Britain for a thousand years and this is what they’re pushing for now is an expansion of the European Union and it says here:

‘Thursday, 15th November, 2007. The “EU Should Expand Beyond Europe. Foreign Secretary David Miliband suggested the European Union should work towards including Russia, Middle Eastern and North African countries.’

Remember George Orwell’s “1984” written in 1948. Remember that Blair who’s pseudonym was Orwell; Blair said that he was raised and trained by this elite for their organization and he turned against it. He knew there would be eventually ongoing wars between three super states; three trading blocs, East Asia, West Asia and so on, and here we are moving along this way as they unite the whole of the Americas too. Getting back to Miliband: ‘He said enlargement was “our most useful tool” for extending stability. In his first major speech on the UK’s relationship with Europe, he said the EU would not become a “superpower” but should be a “role model” for the world.’

There you are, a role model for the world.

‘..It could be a ‘model power of regional co-operation’ dedicated to free trade…’ All the way back to John Dee and Francis Bacon, free trade, a British system.

‘…the environment and tackling extremism. He said the EU must “keep our promises to Turkey’, adding: ‘If we fail…. it will signal a deep and dangerous divide between east and west. Beyond that we must keep the door open, retaining the incentive for change and the prospect of membership provides. Mr Miliband made his address at the College of Europe in Belgium, where Baroness Thatcher…’

Baroness: that’s ‘son of oneness.’ Baroness Thatcher, Maggie Thatcher, the iron lady.

‘…delivered her famous warning against ‘some sort of identikit European personality’ almost exactly two decades ago in September 1988. US ‘only superpower. Mr Miliband said that speech had been ‘haunted by demons…’

The speech that Thatcher gave: ‘..a European superstate bringing in socialism by the back door. But he said: The truth is that the EU has enlarged, remodeled and opened up. It is not and is not going to become a superstate. But neither is it destined to become a superpower.‘ He’s telling the truth there in a sense because the three superstates will be under the United Nations and that was written about by H.G. Wells back in the 1920’s.

‘_. Instead he said the EU had the chance to be a ‘model power’ which could develop shared values between countries.’ So they’re going to create new values. ‘As a club that countries want to join, it can persuade countries to play by the rules…’ Who makes the rules, eh? ‘…and set global standards. In the way it dispenses its responsibilities around the world, it can be a role model that others follow.’

He goes on to the security aspect. ‘Mr Miliband said new threats, like protectionism, religious extremism, energy insecurity, rogue and failing states and climate change provided a new “raison d’etre” for the EU. He outlined four principles for the “next generation” of Europe…”

You should listen to this carefully because this is going to be the future. This is the future. It’s all planned already.

‘He outlined four principles for the “next generation” of Europe for it to remain open to “trade, ideas and investment”, to develop shared institutions…’ Shared institutions means standardization of your systems. ‘…to overcome religious and cultural divides…

Remember too, they wanted to eradicate all basic religions and bring in a new secular type system and where science will be the new religion actually.

‘…to prevent conflict by championing international law and human rights in and outside Europe, and to become a “low carbon power”. He said a successful EU must be prepared to “deploy soft and hard power…” That’s like basically blackmail, the threat of force, “hard power” is force. ‘…to promote democracy and tackle conflict beyond its borders’. So they’re going to go to war.

‘He said the goal “must be a multilateral free-trade zone around our periphery. This would be a “version of the European Free Trade Association that could gradually bring the countries of the Mahgreb, the Middle East and Eastern Europe in line with the single market, not as an alternative to membership, but potentially as a step towards it. And the EU should extend military support to places like Darfur, he argued, to help solve problems of unwanted migration.’

This is the future. These guys do tell you the future. It will be so because all these characters are members of the Royal Institute for International Affairs and I keep telling people to look in to the website for the Royal Institute for International Affairs. You’ll see that they have specialized groups set up, well financed, very prominent members set up to tackle every area of society and life in general, including your food supply. I’ll be back after these following messages.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]

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