The world is a big corporation sworn to secrecy organizations under the United Nations

“Hi folks. I’m Alan Watt and this is Cutting Through the Matrix on November 28th, 2007. Newcomers, look into my site for as long as it’s up there and download as much of the talks and information I’ve given out free over the years as you wish and pass it around to friends. You can also download the transcripts in English both there and in where you can download transcripts as well in the tongues of Europe, thanks to a whole bunch of very dedicated translators.

People are coming forward in this time. People who have been questioning for many years, sometimes for their whole lives as to what’s really going on because we’re going through this massive transition phase at a more accelerated pace. This doesn’t happen by chance. We live in a world that’s always planned like any big corporation plans its agenda for the company. The largest organizations plan investments and where they want to be in 50 or 100 years time and it’s no different that the CEOs as they call them of the world – they plan the future. It’s been that way for a long, long time especially since the first international corporation was set-up officially. The first one we have in the Middle Ages, there was one prior to that even back in the Phoenician days, but in Britain when they set-up Britain to be a financial leader for a while and invested heavily in London and they brought in the merchant bankers. They owned the merchant lines, the shipping lines, the trading routes and they owned the banks as well, so they did both. They didn’t go out and sail on the boats themselves. They sent off the hirelings to do it for them and that’s what bankers do.

Out of that came Crown corporations as they merged with the royalty and eventually put their own royalty in fact and they ran the world and still do run the world in fact to this present day. Corporations rule the world. the CIA and all these, MI6 and Mossad and so on and so on, they’re all in bed together, interlaced, interlocked and have been since at least World War II and probably before with most of them, by other names that is. They keep changing their names down through the ages. However, these secret societies and that’s what your secret services are. You’re sworn to secrecy organizations at the very, very top, not just the little boys at the bottom going down on their knees for the Grand Master in Masonry, but right up the top, to the big guys who plan wars and massive wars and world wars and they run by deception. The world is run by deception. These characters work really for corporations and your country is a corporation. Your country is a registered corporation. Now the whole world is registered as one big corporation under the United Nations and they’ve been giving us our marching orders for a long time. The United Nations only works again for these big, big royal bankers you might call them. I’ll be back with more after the following messages.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]

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