The valuable information that the Daily Mail fails to give you while labelling bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel as an anti-vaxxer

Reporting about the attack that was done on Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel while he was delivering mass at Wakeley’s Christ The Good Shepherd church on Monday night, we get to know by the Daily Mail that thankfully H.G. Mar Mari Emmanuel suffered ‘non-life threatening injuries.’ The attacker was a fifteen-year-old boy.

The Daily Mail started its article with “The priest stabbed during a sermon at a church in western Sydney is a known anti-vaxxer who railed against lockdowns during the Covid pandemic”. 

It continues with:

“Bishop Emmanuel rose to prominence during the Covid pandemic by criticising harsh lockdown measures which he branded ‘mass slavery’.

He claimed vaccines would not work against the virus because living ‘normally’ would boost immunity.

‘Are we humans? Because we are being treated like animals,’ Bishop Emmanuel said in a sermon in 2021.

‘They are encouraging people to go and take vaccine and stay at home. They have had enough.

He has since developed a large TikTok following and has 290,000 followers on the church’s Facebook.”

The media is always looking for ways to portray all those who spoke against the deadly and experimental COVID-19 vaccines and criticized the lockdowns, in a bad light. Because it does not suit its narrative and its propaganda.

Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel has often been the subject of much destructive criticism. It is to be expected when you are on the frontlines, speaking against evil agendas. He is mocked by other YouTube channelers and called a false prophet by some. One time, some created the lie that he was sleeping with a woman, when in reality, it was his dying mother who was living with him and who he was taking care of. The latest big lie I came across, is that this stabbing was staged and that Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel is an agent of Freemasons and the Deep State. Such a shame. It is incredible the amount of confusion and utter bullshit that other so-called alternative media put out there, which also becomes propaganda. It is incredible the amount of confusion and utter bullshit put out there by all those who lack spiritual discernment to hear the hiss of the serpent when it whispers lies in their ears to turn them against all those few on the frontlines who are speaking against evil agendas during this unprecedented time in the history of humankind.

We should be uniting, as the bishop himself used to beg—that we should all be uniting in and for Christ.

I invite the readers to listen to all his sermons, and hear him criticising the powers-that-be, the Australian government, Freemasonry, the paedophile Elite, COVID-19, warfare, the LGBTIQA+ agenda, how the educational system and the churches were infiltrated, and more. This site has published many of these talks. How would you know that a person is not part of the narrative and the counter-narrative? When a person gives the blunt whole truth without beating around the bush. Usually, those who are part of the counter-narrative, give a fragment of the truth, which they cover with substrata of lies. Yes, they might have many followers, like the bishop has. But the bishop did not put himself out there to be followed. First, he was put up on social media by members of his congregation. It was not his doing. And secondly, he is followed because of the constant truth, which he is always speaking of, without fear of being attacked, like he was! Moreover, he is not part of any club, foundation, organization, or a political candidate.

What the mainstream media fails to tell you is that only demonic hatred would be such a bastard against this man who gives so much of himself.

What the mainstream media fails to tell you is that the bishop was an outspoken critic of the war in Gaza.

What the mainstream media fails to tell you is that the bishop is a true man of God, who openly talks about the deep state forces. He was the only one who had the guts to criticise the Australian government in the open.

Maybe a naive brainwashed boy was ‘hired’ so that Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel is politely removed because they have tried many times to take him to court with false accusations, but they never succeeded.

What the mainstream media fails to tell you is that Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel is a great Christian shield that is a thorn in their side.

What the mainstream media fails to tell you is that Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel is truly an example of how to live the Christian faith and way:

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