The tipping point will come when everyone’s back is to the wall

“I think we have Phil from Maryland on the line. Are you there, Phil?

Phil: Hi Alan. It’s Phil. I’ve been listening to you for about a year now and I was telling my wife you’re the kind of guy I’d like to go fishing with and sit down and have a beer, but I think the jig is up for these folks. I think that there’s more and more people talking about it and with the demise of mainstream media and the newspapers and with the lies of the internet and other forms of communication that we’re on to them and we know what’s going on now. I think there’s a critical mass forming and that they know it.

Alan: Here’s the thing. They foresaw this. They saw this before they gave us the internet and again Zbigniew Brzezinski talked and published works on this coming form. They didn’t call it the internet at the time, the public hadn’t even heard of home computers. He said a means of communication will be given to the general public which they’ll think will be enabling them more freedom of thought, speech and communication, but actually in fact we’ll be running it he said and it will be forming opinions along the stream of a global government. These guys are no dummies at the top and the biggest boys, the big players that own the media, the mainstream media are right now working their way in to own all the service et cetera that you’re on on the internet. They want to control all that content as well, so never ever, ever make the mistake of thinking these guys — they have think tanks to go through every chess move before they start the first move.

Phil: Oh I know. I hear you and I don’t want to fall into the trap of thinking that we’ve got the upper hand now. What I’m trying to say is that the realization that Neo Anderson had in the movie that everything was a construct and it wasn’t real is what I have had months and months ago now, thanks to you and other folks. I think that a lot of the people and the public are having it as well.

Alan: It’s spreading. There’s no doubt it’s spreading and I’m also aware of the other boys — and I’m certain of this to be honest. I truly believe this, all the spraying in the skies and all the rest of the stuff they’re doing, I think they’re trying to tranquilize the public as they bring us through these changes. I was just thinking the other day when they started spraying heavily around ’98 across Canada really heavily and it’s been pretty well daily since in most of the world. Do you realize how many years they must have had the big chemical companies working to produce millions and millions of tons of this stuff they’re spraying in advance? They must have been doing it since the end of World War II.

Phil: I live in a flight path for Baltimore Washington International Airport and I look out the window in the morning and I show my wife, I said look at this. It looks like a tic-tac-toe board. I got up the other day. I couldn’t believe the number of trails from horizon to horizon, north to south, when they take off out of BWI, I see them make their ascent. A lot of times there’s two planes. One is following the other for some reason. I see that a lot and then on their low approaches, their low finals they’re so low I can see the colors. Oh, that’s Southwest, West Air or whoever. But I just cannot get over the amount of spraying that they’re doing and then on a clear sky day you can see a normal contrail…

Alan: It disappears after a minute or two.

Phil: …and it doesn’t look that bad.

Alan: Now NASA has put out a documentary for young children at school to see to try and convince them of the contrails look like, which means this is a long term agenda that they’re going for such a young group.

Phil: What’s the tipping point where — I have a couple of questions for you and one of them I want to ask you is along some spiritual lines, but where do you see the tipping point for this, Alan, because it can’t go on.

Alan: The tipping point will come when everyone’s back is to the wall. That’s when it comes and that’s what the other side have always said in their history books, that when the rabble every do anything about it that’s what they are is a rabble. An organized mob basically with no leaders and that’s unfortunately — Zbigniew Brzezinski said it too when he was asked if he thought the people would ever rebel against the system. He says, “What do the people do?” He says, “You can beat them. You can starve them,” he says and do they turn and revolt? He says, No, they turn and eat their dead”. That’s what they think of the general public.

Phil: Yes it is. It really is.

Alan: It’s utter contempt and arrogance.

Phil: Do you think that’s soon in the next five to 10 years?

Alan: It’s already under way. I mean I’d like to get the medical data on the deaths that are caused by all this spraying because it’s got to be accumulative in your system and I know just about everybody comes down with massive bronchitis often with these sprays.

Phil: You know I’ve often thought about it, you can’t even take a video camera to the airport nowadays, but if you were to trace this stuff you would have to somehow something has to be added to the jet fuel.

Alan: It’s not just commercial. These are military jets. I’ve got plenty of photographs of them. They’re white. They have four massive engines, long swept back wings and sometimes they will come low. I’ve seen one very low and their white no markings whatsoever on them. Now that means there’s an international air force based somewhere.

Phil: I’ve seen those but I’ve only seen them very, very high. They climb pretty high coming out of the Baltimore Airport here and the contrails practically from horizon to horizon, the trail.

Alan: You have to be quick now, there’s other callers.

Phil: What’s our hope, Alan, after all this?

Alan: The hope is if the people get back their natural humanity and realize they’ve been put into separate little boxes, separate from everyone else and that’s what governments said they’d do is to create a form of depersonalization. That’s what they call it and you end up in your little box there playing on this electronic gizmo that’s got you completely trapped. You’re not dealing with real people; you’re in an ethereal world of electronics. It’s the trick of the elect. The electronic trick and that’s what they want. We’ve got to start communicating in person and meeting people and start being humane very, very fast and sharing the word because it’s our humanity, it’s our humanity we’ve got to get back. Our humaneness to each other we’ve got to get back. That’s what’s going to save us.

Phil: Okay. Thanks Alan.

Alan: Yes, it’s a pleasure.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]

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