‘The technocratic age is designing an every day more controlled society. The society will be dominated by an elite of persons free from traditional values.’

“Zbigniew Brzezinski said in his own book, ‘Between Two Ages,’ he says, ‘The Technocratic Age is slowing designing an every day more controlled society. The society will be dominated by an elite of persons free from traditional values…‘ ‘

Free from traditional values.’ You understand it’s Brave New World there.

…who will have no doubt in fulfilling their objectives by means of purged techniques with which they will influence the behavior of people and will control and watch the society in all details’. ‘… it will become possible to exert a practically permanent watch on each citizen of the world’.

Now these are the kind of statements — I’ll repeat that for the hard of thinking in a minute, but these are the kind of statements that you imagine coming out of some ancient tyrant in Rome that thought he was a god because the people had to worship these tyrants as gods and they would say things like this, and here we have it written by the same people today. Maybe even the descendants for all we know and it’s very possibly true. Either that or it’s right out of a science fiction movie where The Blob says, ha-ha, I want to control the world. Here’s people at the top in charge of military positions and high scientific warfare divisions boasting about the Technetronic Era and they’ll use scalar type weaponry on the public and it’s called ‘Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars.’ The public will never know what’s happening to them and we’re being sprayed. We’re seeing the pulsing in the sky at nights. They’re using this stuff.

I’ll repeat that for the hard of thinking:

‘The Technocratic Age is slowing designing an every day more controlled society. The society will be dominated by an elite of persons free from traditional values…’

In other words, there’s no bonding with the people. There’s no right and wrong with them. They have no traditional values.

“…who will have no doubt in fulfilling their objectives by means of purged techniques with which they will influence the behavior of people and will control and watch the society in all details”. “… it will become possible to exert a practically permanent watch on each citizen of the world”.

And you think everything is just coincidence — coincidence theory? Read Brzezinski’s book. Hear it from an arrogant psychopath yourself. Read his book and see what they say and look into Professor Carroll Quigley that didn’t live too long after he published his book. He was getting too big for his boots. He thought he was too important. Now I don’t get money for promoting these books. Some of these, even front groups for Christians, are really publishing houses and they give you all these conspiracy books to read and they just simply republish stuff out-of-print and they make a killing on it. I don’t do that but I do pick the books that at least have been available in the past in local libraries and all the rest of it and that’s why I suggest people actually look for a lot of these books. Get them through inter- library loans. You’ll find that if you go through the book searches on the internet very often, and I found this after I’ve talked about things like the book that was put out by The Club of Rome called ‘The First Global Revolution’ where they discuss coming up with the idea to con the whole world about global warming so we’d all submit and surrender our wills to them and they could dominate us. On some of the searches that’s been done by people I know on the internet they’ve found about 30 pages that have been taken out of the books since I talked about it, so get the real book. It’s only about $0.75 used on some of these used book dealer’s stands.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]


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