The recycling booming business and their creation of a new world religion based on a form of earth worship

Alan Watt: “Hi folks. I’m Alan Watt back with Cutting Through the Matrix. We’re talking to Allen from Devon in the UK and discussing the state of the world and the state of people’s minds and how people are always looking for a hero to come and do everything for them. We’re talking about the fact the governments been preparing for over 20 years just to stop what they know will come, and that’s a stage where the public will be forced to ask questions; and they’re never forced to ask questions until things are really pretty bad. That’s why the Department of Defence published the scenario of the next 30 years with flashmobs and riots and all the rest of it without mentioning why on earth the average person would be rioting and having involvement in flashmobs. However, it is quite evident we’re in for big stupendous changes and they are ready for it, right down to even using mini nukes and so on large mobs. That’s why the Department of Defence published the scenario of the next 30 years with flashmobs and riots and all the rest of it without mentioning why on earth the average person would be rioting and having involvement in flashmobs. However, it’s quite evident we’re in for big stupendous changes and they are ready for it, right down to even using mini nukes and so on, on large mobs. This has been published and this is the top think tank for the British military and for NATO, all NATO countries. What do they know that’s coming down that we don’t know is coming down? Are you still there, Allen? Okay. We have Jeff from Iowa here. Are you there, Jeff?

Jeff: Hi Alan.

Alan: Hello. Go ahead.

Jeff: I had just a little tie-in with the corporate end of this. There’s a program and the interesting thing when I read this is that I asked a few people what they thought of it and you get shoulder shrugs. They don’t even think about it and it’s from an organization that was sponsored by a company I worked for called Keep America Beautiful and the acronym is interesting, KAB. It was a leading community beautification organization and it strongly supported my company because it’s mission fit squarely within our environmental stewardship and community partnerships strategic objectives. It’s interesting the research that they do. KAB is commenced on internet based public awareness campaign and needs your help to promote it. The campaign features a new super hero KAB man and it’s targeted particularly at the 20-something generation. KAB’s research shows that this generation is a heavy online user for information, identifies completely with community beautification and anti-littering et cetera but knows nothing about KAB or its leadership roles and will identify with KAB man, the little superhero they have.

Alan: They’ve done a whole indoctrination process, because even Gorbachev had a book out on the creation of a new religion. At least that was part of the book and the book was ‘Towards a New Civilization’ and he said, ‘We are creating a new world religion based on a form of earth worship,’ so the society they’re bringing in will be atheistic basically, except that we all must look after Mother Earth type deal. They’ve been brainwashing the children for years on this whole agenda so that you won’t raise yourself any higher than any animal or a tree or a blade of grass and life will become even more cheaper. I’ve no doubt they’ll be part of the sterilization process too, and people will probably volunteer to be sterilized if they get enough indoctrination to save the poor old planet.

Jeff: Yes, because you get comments like someone will say, gee, I’ve got to get recycling or my son will think I’m a criminal, and that type of thing.

Alan: It’s quite interesting here. I watched when the recycling business started up and the public paid for all these bins to go round all the towns and cities and everyone knows especially in the U.S. here the mafia are the ones that dump all the garbage down to the U.S. side. Everyone knows this. They do it big time. Well, we’re giving money to the same business to then get all this material for free that we package for them that they put back into basic plastics or basic metals and they can resell it, so it’s a great booming business for these organizations and we’re funding the whole thing ourselves with our tax money. It’s not bad when you get the taxpayer to pay for all the basic structure, setup, machinery and equipment for your business to get started up.

Jeff: Yes and it is. You pay and they get the raw materials at a big discount and then sell it back to you.

Alan: That’s right. There’s always a con behind everything that’s pushed on the public and they have the public trained now to actually do all this. The public are very easily and quickly trained.

Jeff: Yes, absolutely.

Alan: We’re very adaptable.

Jeff: And they do refer — and it’s easy if you just listen to people or when you read this material, if you want to check it out, listen to the people around you and just bring something up to them that they would not be familiar with that wasn’t in mainstream and it doesn’t have to be anything nasty. It could be — I read a book, I raise bees and I read a book bees don’t get arthritis and there’s research going on with bee venom and muscular sclerosis and you get stories of certain things that happen and raw honey is a big antibacterial. In fact they used to use it for surgical dressing. My mom was a nurse and she did, and I mentioned this to this lady and she gave me the goofiest look like I was insane.

Alan: It wasn’t on television, was it?

Jeff: No, and she goes, well, then why don’t the pharmaceutical companies put that out, like if they find something good for you you’re automatically going to get it from them. The bad thing about this, even if you go back to people that were indoctrinated that might be in their 60’s or a little older they’ll understand the basic question of why the pharmaceutical companies wouldn’t touch that. They’d keep it stopped down because they can’t sell it. But you come down 20 years and people even understand that.

Alan: I know. It’s quite easy again to alter by the generation into a completely different way. I mean most people think they’ve got to get antibiotics to clear up a skin infection or something and yet hot poultices generally kill all bacteria and viruses quite safely.

Jeff: Yes, and I ended up testing this just because I didn’t have anything else and it was amazing. It pretty much cut healing time in half. There was no infection. It went immediately and it healed much cleaner. But the look I got was just astounding and then it was like, “I haven’t seen that on my TV. It can’t be true.”

Alan: What is propolis, they’ll say. What’s propolis?

Jeff: That does kind of the same thing the honey except it might be a little more potent.

Alan: That’s right and it is good. Thanks for calling.

Jeff: All right. Thank you.

Alan: Bye.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]

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