The pooh-pooh stuff – the stuff that media pooh-poohs as conspiracy theories because we’re taught to believe in coincidence theories (3)

“This private organization that calls itself an institution is an institute. Look up the legal definitions of an institution. The Bank of Canada, which isn’t a bank at all, it’s called an institution. When the head of the Bank of Canada was asked to explain it, he says, no it’s not really federal, it’s more a kind of service that the people need. Quite the service, isn’t it, to be brought into slavery through massive debt.

This is what The Royal Institute for International Affairs is composed of even today. It’s the descendants of the same few hundred families, just a few hundred families. Both the male side and the female side of those families that are in all the prime positions across the whole planet and they’ve been working for over 100 years more openly than they ever did before because it did not start with them. The British Commonwealth idea was born, remember, in the 1500’s, back in the 16th century. John Dee talked about it, a global system to come where people would use English as the main tongue. He meant for all business and sure enough, English is the international language of business. Dee also talked about the terms the countries would be admitted into this free trading zone and he mentioned the term “most favored trading nation status” would be given to those who complied and basically adopted the same system.

These characters have been taking over the world gradually, you’ll find from The Royal Institute for International Affairs, The Council on Foreign Relations. They also have the Trilateral Commission and some of the members at the top, the key technocrats at the top in our whole lifetime here and they’re still going yet, the same guys are all over the place making deals and signing deals with countries. Private deals in some way but given official backing by governments on the other. These are people who are not elected by anybody and they get away with it because they represent the most powerful, as far as wealth goes, people on the planet. It’s to do with wealth. The whole world revolves around this odd thing called money; and money demands and money commands. Those who have it rule the world and they’re certainly doing it now.

They’re bringing us into a brand new feudal type system, as Carroll Quigley says in his own book — in the same book, ‘Tragedy & Hope.’ The reason he got this book published — actually got it put out in the first place was because he thought he was an inner higher member of this organization and he thought the public would accept all the things they’ve been doing because it truly had been behind the latent histories of the United States and Britain and the whole Commonwealth of Britain at that time. They’ve been behind all the major wars and they also dangle, as I say, this idea of opposition before your eyes so you would attack all the wrong fronts. Fronts which they also controlled like ‘feints,’ as they call it in boxing. A feint is where a boxer is going to hit with the right, and you go to defend yourself and you leave your left wide open, and he hits you right there and that’s what they do. It’s the same technique. You attack what you see is the obvious source of your malcontent and it’s always the wrong one.

Meanwhile, these guys go sailing through the middle as the left battles the right and they’re still doing it today. They’ve almost pulled off their while agenda. Now of course they’re using the big sciences on us and members of this group and personally this is the top secret society on the planet because it’s completely meshed, it’s completely integrated with MI6 and the CIA. In the same book in fact, this man, Carroll Quigley, the historian for this group, because they have their personal historian, they don’t want to lose all their records because one day they’ll give monuments to each other for what they did and all the rest of it. They want someone to keep their records. He talks about how they’ve been behind all of this and how it fills in the blank spots in history and how their goal is to bring in a new type of feudal system with the CEOs of big international corporations basically creating a new feudal system because they’ll be the only lobbying groups left on the planet, because you need money to have a lobbying group and these guys have the money. They’re backed by the big boys with the money.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]

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