The point of the whole green exercise is to control the public because the Club of Rome had said the war would be a war of humanity on the environment & vice versa

Alan Watt: “I also have is it Big Toe in Florida is it? Big Toe?

Big Toe: Hello Alan. Yes, I had one question for you and maybe a statement or two. You can enlighten the other people who are listening. I’ve been listening to you for about a year now and you’re very informative. My question is: I was reading the paper on Friday and in a very small print in the corner of the paper they had mentioned that they’re storing now the seeds in the seed bank in the Glacier Mountain over in Norway or Finland?

Alan: That’s one of them.

Big Toe: If you have any knowledge of this, they’re not going to be stopping that with their hybrid or modified seeds, are they?

Alan: No.

Big Toe: They’re probably going to try and use the old seed where that will bear the fruit and that seed from that fruit is fertile, correct?

Alan: Absolutely. They have quite a few across the world. In fact you’ll find I think it’s one of the big foundations for Wildlife and so on, I think it’s World Wildlife Foundation, they have three arks across the planet. They call them arks. These are huge facilities. One is in Louisiana, a documentary was made on it for Public Broadcasting Television, and it’s run by professors who also teach at local universities. In this ark they have cryogenics, huge facilities, with every gene of every species in them, animal and everything else, and they say they could reseed the earth. In other words, regenerate the earth anytime they want to, and if one goes down, there’s always another two left worldwide, so they have these things all over the world. I wouldn’t be surprised if eventually the space station that they put up there or when it’s completed will be another ark where they have a lot of this genetic material. All that stuff in Star Trek wasn’t coming out of the imagination of Roddenberry or the writers. Roddenberry was a member of NASA and he was told to write stories around up-and-coming things in the future that they plan to do. The genesis project that they had in the Star Trek series, this is something that they talked about. They can reseed the world, even if they destroy it. They think they’re so god-like now they can recreate anything from new and make new types too if they want to.

Big Toe: Okay. I see, because I’ve not been informed or seen anything on the news other facilities like you’ve mentioned and like I say it was in real small print and they really don’t want you to see what’s going on but they’re telling you.

Alan: Yes, these are legalities. Legally they tell you everything that they do. They just don’t make a big deal out of the things that they don’t want you to dwell upon.

Big Toe: Right, I see. Now one statement was people are being scared as you say into this global warming, go green, and you have these idiots out there like Al Gore and his cronies, but the earth it goes through its phases. The earth makes its rotation in 24 hours, one day, takes 365days to go around the sun. The earth does not follow let’s say for instance a zero latitude around it like the Equator. It may wobble or divert 9 to 12 degrees at a time, therefore you’re going to get periods of global warming, global cooling and this has been proven. I’m sure that you know it also.

Alan: I’ve got all the books, all the books that were published to do with previous ice ages that they were publishing from the early 1900’s right through the ’50’s, ’60’s, ’70’s and ’80’s, and then suddenly they reversed it and made it global warming was going to be the problem, because it used to be taught in school children’s books we went through these things all the time. Hang on the line. I’ll be back after the following messages.

Big Toe: Okay.

Alan: Hi folks. Alan Watt back with Cutting Through the Matrix. I’m just mentioning the fact that we have history books, old history books, generally they’ve been dumped out in all the old used book stores and so on and to the dump, and that was taught in school that there has been many, many ice ages we go through. What happens between the ice age and the next ice age? You get warming periods until you end up with another ice age. This history has been known an awful long time and the only reason we’re hearing all the hype about it — and forget all the scientific data. It’s all nonsense anyway. We don’t need scientific data and logic to see how the world goes round the sun et cetera. That’s irrelevant. See, we’re trying to follow logic here. The point of the whole green exercise is control of the public. That’s what it’s for, because they had to find an enemy in a global society and they’re running out of enemies. The Club of Rome said they would make the environment and mankind enemies of each other and say the war would be a war of humanity on the environment and vice versa, so you don’t have to use a logic to try and rationalize what it’s all about. The evidence is there. It’s just not taught in schools anymore. However, all the old books are out there. All the old studies are out there and some of the guys now are out writing about the coming frying pan in this global world of ours. They used to be writing books on the coming ice age — the very same authors.

Big Toe: Right. They’re just trying to scare us is all it is. Okay. I had more question.

Alan: I have to go on to the next caller, okay? I’ve got three lined up here before we go out.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]

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