The only way to counteract their plan of destroying the family and cohesiveness is to regain our human attitudes

“Alan: And I’ve got Daniel in Canada. Daniel? Are you there?

Daniel: Yes. Hello Alan. How are you this evening?

Alan: Not so bad.

Daniel: I really enjoy your show and I really appreciate what you do, sir.

Alan: Well thanks.

Daniel: If it’s okay I would like to share something I’ve learned with you and the listening audience.

Alan: Go ahead.

Daniel: It’s pretty basic and imagine a lot of people will think it’s naive but the past while I’ve been going through and extremely bad spot in my life and all of a sudden people I don’t know, strangers, have come out of the woodwork to help me. I came to the realization at the bottom of the pit as it were being a Job (without a job) I think one of the only ways —

Alan: I’ll tell you, Daniel, hold on until after the break because I hear the music coming. Just hold on and we’ll back to that. Alan Watt back with Cutting Through the Matrix and we’re talking to Daniel in Canada who’s talking about how people came forward to I guess assist him when he had fallen on hard times. Are you still there, Daniel? Hello Daniel?

Daniel: Yes, hello.

Alan: Could you continue?

Daniel: Yes. Thank you. What I’m going to say I know will sound basic and naive to a lot of people, but I think the most important lessons are the most basic and from what I’ve learned from all my troubles and through the help other people are providing me is that the only way we’re going to turn society around is to stop being so inwardly focused and turn outwards to other people. Bring family values to friends, to help a stranger once a week, to do some volunteering. We’re all being drawn in to a me, me, me all the time from TV, from the internet, from fashion, from popular opinion and that’s why I feel anyways so many people are so incredibly unhappy and they’re walking around a foundation.

Alan: There’s no foundation because that was the agenda and written about long ago. The family and the cohesiveness would be destroyed and therefore government and the state and those who work for the state could contact and talk to you and demand or order you directly and there would be no one around to stand up for you. That was always the intent and of course once the television came in, it isolated family from family. Before TV came in, people used to talk around and visit each other with their families all the time and communication and the communications stopped. They all sit in their own little boxes with their jaws dropped and they’re hypnotized and there’s no communication and now they don’t know how to communicate with each other; and when they can do is like Brzezinski said is talk about what they’ve seen on the television.

Daniel: It’s like there’s all this programming 24/7 to turn people against each other and even against themselves.

Alan: Absolutely. That’s true. It’s also to make you unsure about yourself because people explained in the sociological books they used high socialist scientists many years ago to do studies on mass control and what makes us all tick and they found they could eliminate all competition, competition being people talking to people. They could eliminate it all and then the people would only be able to parrot what they’re downloaded with from mainstream media. That’s why the mainstream media always gives you a pro and a con. Two experts to debate something and one of the experts will give you what you choose is the answer. It doesn’t occur to you there could be other options and other alternatives to what they say. They have us all debating little trivia things generally when the big decisions are already made at the top long before the issue hits the public in fact.

Daniel: It’s like all these big decisions that are swamping people and I don’t know. I feel that something that would really help is to turn to the little decisions between people like I want to help this person.

Alan: That’s what we’ve got to do. We’ve got to regain our humane attitudes towards each other because we’ve become separated from each other. We’ve become inhumane because we adopt a producer/consumer society. We adopt into that and we adapt into that and we become psychopathic in a sense and desensitized to the fact that many drop to the bottom in this society, a lot more than people know, and the safety nets that they pretend are there are no safety nets at all. Generally people will come forward and help people and that’s where true help comes from is from people helping each other. We’ve got to stop this being inside our own little head space where we think it’s nice and safe thinking about last night’s soap opera and start thinking about other people because that’s true. We’ve got to get our humaneness back, our humanity back and before it’s too late, because we’re on a really bad slope right now.

Daniel: I’ll get off the line and give other people a chance, but thank you very much for letting me just say that basic wisdom that I’d lost for so long.

Alan: Yes. Well thanks for calling.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]

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