The new industries will all have to do with green environment in a new created system with the Marxist policy – the centralization of power

Alan Watt: Now we also have Garrin on the line. Are you there, Garrin?

Garrin: Yes. Hello Alan.

Alan: Hello.

Garrin: Yes. I have a question. I like the logo on your website of you kicking the capstone off of the pyramid. That’s cool. My question is I live in Rhode Island. It’s in the United States. It’s in the northeast part of the United States and I’ve lost two jobs from them going overseas or closing and like literally — I mean I’m not even exaggerating but like every place around here, AMJEN and GTEC, they’re all either closing or laying off. Do you have any suggestions about what’s a good field to look into maybe, things like that, or fields that might be good in the future, or what to do or maybe even become self-sufficient? Do you have any ideas or suggestions about that?

Alan: There’s no doubt about it, the fields that will become important and they already have become important are the “green fields” as they call it. It’s all to do with environment and so on, because the world we’re coming into is to be a controlled system run by experts and institutions and education and authorities like health authorities et cetera. These are the areas that are on the rise and industry is on the way out, totally. Everything here is a service economy because China was built up to take over the industrial side of things and those who — I’ll put it this way. The better sharks are already in the high service industries, especially to do with environmental products et cetera. That’s were it’s all going to be and the only alternative really is to get out of the country because we’ll go through hell before we’ll see any glimpse of heaven.

Garrin: So you’re saying get out of the country?
Alan: If you can.
Garrin: To where? Can I hold over?

Alan: Hold over and back after these messages. Hi. Alan Watt back with Cutting Through the Matrix and we still have a caller on the line. Are you still there?

Garrin: Yes.

Alan: You were talking about what field to go into; and these are the only fields that are up and coming, really, are all these sort of green industries, all these things which are going to regulate the lives and dominate the lives of the general public. See, it’s a war and they’ve already said at The Club of Rome when they wrote the book, ‘The First Global Revolution,’ right in that book they talked about the future that they were going to bring in — and don’t forget they’re only a part of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the RIIA — and they said that they hit upon the idea, back in the 70’s, of using the environment to control the public. That’s why they’ve launched this blitz now that will continue and continue until we’re so sick of hearing it on controlling our way of life. In a post-industrial society, or even post-technological as far as the West goes, even all the technology is really based in China, most of it, what are you going to do with all the people? Therefore you must create new industries and that’s going to be all to do with green environment and so on, so unless you’ve got a gift in that area and you’re a good shark you know you won’t succeed.

Garrin: Yes, well I’m not a good shark so that’s what I was kind of getting at, like something, I mean maybe become more self-sufficient and learn how to — you know in the future the way things will be, maybe become self-sufficient and learn how to you know bartering things. Learn how to live off a system.

Alan: As much as you can. You see even that they’ve already said and they’re already doing it. They’re starting to encroach upon all the rights of even people in the rural areas, so you have to do your homework if you want to move out to a more rural area, and go into all the councils — find out what all their plans are for that area during the next 20 years or 30 years before you buy anything or even moving into a small plot to start growing your own stuff and so on. You have to really check into what their plans are. Look into the local council types, all the associations in that area. Find out what their mandates are, their agendas, because you’ll be surprised it’s infiltrated every aspect of living. We’re already in a totally controlled society.

Garrin: Yes, it’s becoming more and more apparent. Now you had said something before the break about leaving the country, leaving the U.S. Which areas, nations, places would be good?

Alan: I still think that you can go into — if you can handle it, it depends if it’s just yourself or if there’s a family there, but you can go into places like Sri Lanka and so on into the highland areas. They’re unaffected by tsunamis and so on and it’s only the coastal areas you worry about, but they’ve already survived tsunamis in the highlands so there’s no problem there. It’s been tested, in other words, and therefore it’s safe now. There’s also even parts of Spain you can still go to as well.

Garrin: So there are places you think you can go to more or less get away from the coming–

Alan: Yes. There are some places that will be taken down later. At the moment it’s the first- world countries that must get the heavy hand as we get retrained into this new dominant system, so we’re getting the worst of it right now and all the laws and regulations. You see it everywhere. It’s just forced basically, but the other countries that aren’t geared up towards that — they’re not geared towards high military visibility or high police visibility. They don’t have all these associations right down to your tenant associations, the guys that tell you how to live and what color to paint your house. They don’t have any of that system yet so they’ll be the last ones to get it and you might just squeak through your life before they eventually get around to them.

Garrin: Are there any places in South America like that?

Alan: There are places. Once again, the problem with South America is that the U.S. has been in there with Special Forces for 50 years and so you’re never sure when they’re going to stir something up because the U.S. is very good at that. They’ve kept them in turmoil for 50 years unless they have the authorized dictator in, so you could be living quite peaceably and setting up a place and then by a judgment made in the Pentagon you’re in upheaval.

Garrin: Yes, I see. I see what you mean. How do you feel about where you live in Canada? Do you plan on staying there?

Alan: Canada itself is going the same way. Canada is a member of the British Commonwealth. They’re taking it a bit slower because we never really had an idea of what really freedom was. We live in this strange monarchy-democracy. You know that there’s an elite running the world. You know that growing up and you take that for granted and Canada’s not geared up for the heavy style military type system that the U.S. is geared for. I mean you can police the whole of the U.S. just with their military alone and they will do one day because that was the big argument was back in the Constitution days: should they have a standing army or not? Because the history of standing armies is that a standing army is always used eventually upon its own people. Always, always down through history.

Garrin: Yes. That’s why the founders of America were most of them in general were against them having a standing army. They believed in having a militia and then raising an army in a time of war because they didn’t want a permanent standing army because they knew the oppression that a permanent standing army could bring against the citizens of that nation, that country.

Alan: That’s right. This whole thing, too, is they tried to create a system, as far as we can tell, at least with the first constitution they tried to get a system that was not centralized. They knew that centralization of power, the very Marxist policy, the centralization of power, would give ultimate authority to a handful of people, even with an army there at their command. That’s a lot of power to give to a handful of people.

Garrin: Yes, it certainly is.

Alan: As we know, really the Civil War in the U.S. was the big battle for centralization of power. That was its main objective and Karl Marx actually telegraphed Lincoln (it’s in the Congressional Records) congratulating him on keeping that because it was a tenant of Marxist philosophy to centralize power and actually encourage nationalism before you bring in internationalism. You must get nationalism, which centralizes power, then it goes international through treaties.

Garrin: That was again absolutely true that that was the main element of the Civil War, of states rights versus centralized federal government.

Alan: That’s what’s been happening. You know you can never give up — most folk after a war are so war weary they want to go back to what they think is normal way of life and it’s when you’re starting to breathe again and trying to have some fun in life that these characters are working behind the scenes insidiously, backed by heavy money, unlimited wealth, and by doing so, you don’t notice how they sneak up on you. They do it intergenerationally until you wake up one day and you can’t move without institutions or police authorities or some kind of authority breathing down your neck.

Garrin: Yes, that’s the way it’s largely already become. Not much you can do without government interference interfering in your business.

Alan: If you want to get a place to live and a place to grow your food and so on, really check out the area in detail and go into all the records. See what they have planned because it’s so important. You don’t want to get a place and then find out they’ve got big environmental plans for that area and then start losing everything once again as they come in to fine you for this and fine you for that, or fine you for polluting or a substandard this or that or the other. See, all building regulations now come from the United Nations and they have for about 10 years now — that’s every part of building codes of all the building codes comes from the United Nations worldwide.

Garrin: Then they’re starting with the property, the water and all that water supply and all that which comes from the UN and now those policies are filtering into becoming policy in America.

Alan: Now they’re even going further now where they’re going to claim that you’re in a watershed. Well, the whole planet technically is a watershed. Anywhere it’s ever rained in history is now a watershed and they can come in and fine you daily for a dented gutter or down pipe. That’s how — and its sounds ridiculous because that’s why it’s ridiculous is because it’s nothing to do with what they’re saying. It’s to get you off the land. That’s the whole purpose of it.

Garrin: Yes, it is, and that is the real purpose of it.

Alan: Then, too, you have the incredible housing market. At one time the person who owned the house was the person who decided on the price. Now you have the big sharks too, the better psychopaths who come in and deal with the high real estate. They gouge everybody. They put prices way up so they can a bigger cut, then everyone suffers. It isn’t just the organizations; it’s also the types of personalities that we have in a system that lives off other people like this.

Garrin: The parasitic types?

Alan: They are parasitic and they live very well, and good psychopaths can always rationalize what they do and they don’t need sleeping pills or they don’t need tranquilizers. They can rationalize anything they do to other people and that’s the problem. We have enough of them in society, not just at the top. It’s down through society and we have basically they’ve given us a psychopathic culture to follow.

Garrin: I know it.

Alan: A person with a lot of decency in them, natural decency, is not going to thrive in a sea infected by sharks.

Garrin: That’s the way I find myself. Knowing and studying and learning about this stuff for years and being the type of person who I am, I’m a little minnow I guess because I’ve been swimming around with all these sharks around me. That’s what I’m trying to figure out, how I’m going to survive as there’s more and more sharks around me and what to do.

Alan: If you don’t belong to these organizations, you don’t belong to the various brotherhoods that run cities and governments all the rest of it and they do, they do. There’s no doubt about it. They do. If you drive in any town in Canada or the states, look at the first big billboard you see and it’s all the Masonic associations and Rotary Clubs and Eastern Stars and so on. Even going into Sudbury near where I live there’s about 30 of them on the board and that’s telling you who owns and runs that town, right there. Anybody who’s anybody is a member of one of these organizations. They’re on the boards of the schools, the councils, the ratepayers, of everything you can imagine; they run it all. That’s their town and that’s their banner right there.

Garrin: Yes and I’ve seen even on TV when they’re talking about a local municipality and they’ll say the “Situate Corporation” referring to the town of Situate and they actually call it the Situate Corporation. I’ve seen this where towns and cities are actually officially titled Situate Corporation, this type of thing. It’s getting real bad.

Alan: It’s bad. As I say, wherever you do look you’ve got to go into the area; you go to the planning and development departments and see what they have scheduled and also look and see who is moving in. See if there’s big building companies moving in. If that’s the case, forget it because the prices are going to be jacked out sky high.

Garrin: All right thanks a lot, Alan.

Alan: Thanks for calling.

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]

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