The media should stop showing priests in a bad light and start pinpointing the calluses that they are facing

In this newly created rooftop cafeteria debate, I truly hope that the general public understands that the media has given you half-truths.

Unfortunately, in its excellent use of psycholinguists and being highly skilled in how to wash people’s brains, the media knows that people generally tend to read the headlines only.

This site will never agree with a cafeteria or any kind of trade done inside the church, whether it’s on the roof, in a yard, and so forth, and it does not matter if it is small or big or if it will take in a few people or if it will be just two tables and two chairs where four people are served an espresso. It is still trade. Everything starts with a little step. The museum and an entry fee to visit it are enough, so hopefully this nation of poor, cultural mentality will inhale some cultural knowledge.

However, to say that the portico is not part of the church, is like saying that you have an apartment but the balcony is not part of the property. The cafeteria, whether it is small or big or whether it will be made up of just two tables and two chairs where four people are served an espresso, is trade, and it will turn the church into a commercial place, and if we are true Christians, we should not agree with it.

Needless to say, this has created another divide, and more confusion. And Christ continues to be gradually put out of the way.

And thanks to the media, the anti-clergy sentiment grew and the hate speech against Fr Marc Andre Camilleri was running high. But this was not condemned.

And the media fails to pinpoint the true challenges and issues of the local churches because, thanks to the Archdiocese of Malta and the Curia, it has been turned into one whole profit-making organization.

I am truly sorry for all the honest priests that have to work in this organization, and I am truly sorry that you are under attack by the media, its lies, and half-truths, which are worse than lies.

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