The kind of peace that Robert Abela and Ian Borg speak of is not the peace that you think of (1)

Since the pandemic, Mario Borg has been contributing various videos about various topics on his YouTube channel, called ‘Aħna l-Poplu’. In this peace, Borg gives a very good explanation of the kind of peace that Prime Minister Robert Abela and Ian Borg talk of. This site thanks Mario Borg and all other activists who are not staying silent during this unprecedented period in the history of humankind.

This is what Mario Borg explained:

“Hello friends. Today is the first of April 2024. Welcome. I am going to speak again about the current ongoing wars and Malta’s position in all this trouble. The position that the Maltese government took, with the approval of the PN, right? We hear the word peace all the time. And peace, the kind of peace that Robert Abela and Ian Borg speak of, does not carry the same meaning that used to be embraced by Mintoff. And the people are getting confused, especially the Labour supporters, or whoever is noticing all this trouble that there is, and is not worrying because the word peace, peace, peace, and working for peace, is being used.

Now you might say, ‘What’s in a word!’ But in the courts, for example, where the play with words is a skill, it is a word that might save you while another word might harm you. And this is not only about the word peace and I will explain this and give you an example. For example, I hear a lot of the small political parties and their followers talking about security. Now this is one of the reasons why I distanced myself from the Patriotic Maltese Organization, because you have those putting pressure on security. Do you know where there is the greatest security in Malta? Prison. So you must be careful how you use words because then the government will use you and tell you, ‘Isn’t it you who asked for security?’ And we will end up a police state. But, if instead you say that you want border security, that is different and something else.

Another word that is used and that was given another meaning while truly meaning something else is that of defence. It is used by NATO, it is used by the European Union. As far as I know, NATO is made up of countries bordering the Atlantic, and Europe, maybe their neighbours too. Right? NATO – North Atlantic Treaty Organization. So these speak of defense, and as far as I know, for example, in a football game, when the ball gets close to your goalpost, you defend. But when the ball is getting close to the opponent’s side, you are attacking. Now, NATO, with their defense, ended up intruding in Africa, in South America, in the Middle East, and even in the Pacific, all of this under the guise of defense. And NATO is always speaking of peace. I will edit this, and we will see how often NATO uses the word peace on their website.

And their peace is obviously the same peace that Ian Borg and Robert Abela believe in.”

You can watch here.

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