The how and the why propaganda is aimed at women

“Hi. Alan Watt back cutting more of the matrix and we are cutting through it. On the line we have Adam from Kingston, Washington. Are you there, Adam?
Adam: Yes, I’m here. Can you here me?
Alan: Yes I can.

Adam: Alan, I listen to your podcast every day and I’ve very grateful. I want to sincerely thank you for your work. I’ve got a quick question and then I’ll get off the line and you can answer it on the air. I have two questions. First question is I’ve got a family and I’m obviously concerned about the welfare of my family as I consider becoming more active in activism. I’m curious how you deal with what must be a huge amount of terror, fear of what might happen to you. I’m also curious what your take is or why do you think you are allowed to do this or why do they allow you to persist, even the other very active people in this field, so I’d appreciate your thoughts on that. Thank you.

Alan: That’s true. I mean I don’t have family so I don’t have that problem. Actually, no one would live with me. That’s basically the problem. Women generally want safety, peace, security, comfort and so on, and that’s again been used down through the ages against men. Even the ancient Romans would often tell the slaves or their wives not to have anything to do with their husbands. Don’t give them any sexual ways and so on until the men buckled under and did what they were told and be more obedient. They did the same thing with the black slaves in the U.S. Women by nature want peace and security and that’s what Adolph Hitler said. He said, all propaganda is aimed at the women who want security, food and so on and so on, so the big brother overrides the husband and the husband becomes ineffectual. That’s why George Bush is now the new Big Brother. The image he gives for peace, safety and security. Women tend to go along with it and men have a hard time trying to get active because for fear of wrath within the home. However, we’re at that stage today where we’ve got to understand how this game is played and everyone, men and women, have to understand to that you cannot keep your head down anymore because of what’s happening.

This is a war, remember, on the whole world and it’s a war to eradicate all that was to make way for that which will be new; and that means your whole society, your whole way of living, even the family itself is to go. The family as you know it has to be totally destroyed and they’ve been working on that for many, many years, long before this and now they’re on a roll for it all, and you cannot keep your head down because they’re going to come for you anyway. We can tell they’re going to have crisis after crisis. There’s going to be water crisis that they’ll make sure happen. We’re going to have floods et cetera as they step up the weather warfare. That’s the ‘Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars’ that was published years ago and they have all this stuff in operation and it’s going to be crisis that’s coming along the road.

We cannot plan as we used to do for a comfortable future. Those days are gone. It doesn’t matter where you live pretty well and electricity and all the rest of it is to go through the roof as they get on a roll with Kyoto. We’re to be priced out of using so much and actually you’ll get very little eventually, a trickle and you’ll be paying like you’ve never paid before. Your whole world is going to change and the Big Boys have said that themselves. They’re going to make us all grovel and obey as we get headed towards the sheep pen and that’s when you’ve had it. Once you’re in that big sheep pen into the new system you’ve had it. They don’t want you around anymore, so there’s no point in keeping your head down. You can’t do it. This is war on the people of the planet by a few — well instigated, well planned and we have to tell them we know all about it and we’re not going to put with it. We’ve got to create a public opinion that becomes so strong we can delay all of this and divert it off into a different direction. A different direction — not what we had, it wasn’t ours, but into a different direction.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]

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