The Families Allied with the 13 Ruling Families – the Bundy Bloodline (2)

“I have learned that Ted had an interest in Astrology. Perhaps the closest person to Ted Bundy, his longtime girlfriend Elizabeth Kendall, wrote in her book The Phantom Prince My Life with Ted Bundy, that she didn’t know why he brutally killed so many women. She was aware that he liked bondage-type sexual arrangements. But the inner workings of Ted’s mind were a mystery to her. And Ted was capable of some of the biggest lying and yet coming across totally honest. (This type of lying goes on everyday by the Illuminati members who as a habit make boldface lies to the public.)

Ted Bundy was adopted by his father Johnnie Bundy, who was a dentist in the northwest area of Washington State. What is this main branch of Bundy’s that we are speculating that Ted’s father might or might not be tied to? The original Bundy family came to the New World before 1635 to Boston, MS. A few years later they moved to Taunton, MS. A large branch of these Bundys went to Connecticut, and later a few went on to New York. Another group of colonial American Bundys were in North Carolina. The particular members of the Bundy family that are prominent in the New World Order today, are the ones who would have inherited the position of authority over the family if Satanic tradition had been followed. The Bundy family was an old American family that was part of the Eastern establishment, but with only a few exceptions like Congressman Solomon Bundy in the early 19th century. The family has only come into the public’s eye during the twentieth century. This family also surfaces in not so prominent places too.

Two of the key early Watchtower Society leaders were Bundys. These were Walter H. Bundy, who went with Charles Taze Russell to Great Britain on his May 29-31, 1909 trip, and Edwin Bundy who worked at the Bethel Headquarter at the turn of the century and travelled around the U.S. for the Watchtower Society from 1906 to 1910. The following is my own Who’s Who of the Bundy Illuminati family. After this list introducing our cast of characters, this article will get back to discussing the Bundys.”

The list will be published in another piece.

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