The Elite use distortions in perception so that we can live in the matrix of the perceptions they feed us

“Hi folks. I’m Alan Watt and I’m Cutting Through the Matrix here, the matrix of your perceptions, how you’ve been taught to perceive things in a designed way. A designed way not designed by you but designed by your betters. Your betters are those the scientific class that’s been employed for over 100 years to design a system where they could control vast societies of people, written about by Bertrand Russell and all the other guys I’ve talked about on these particular talks I give out over the years. They were quite blatant about it how they could control the minds of millions of people through a scientific indoctrination. That’s a term that Huxley used, Aldous Huxley, who was a real winner, a guy who worked for Tavistock Institute. He came from a long lineage of the aristocracy, as did Bertrand Russell. I call them the ‘chinless wonders’ because that particular strain had inbred so much together with the Galton’s and Darwin’s and all the rest they had simply lost their chin along the way, and I guess that’s what you pay for brains, eh?

Anyway, that’s what they did and this is how the system is run. It’s run by inbreeding these people and the Darwin’s themselves had for generations been practicing breeding with one other family and that was the Wedgwood family of England. The Wedgwood family who owned the Wedgwood pottery that you still see all over the world, the blue and white and different colors with the Greek styling and all that kind of stuff. Charles Darwin’s grandfather who really wrote the first book on the evolution of species and so on and ‘Origin of Species’ and did get it published but it didn’t go too far, so the Royal Society which was a freemasonic society of scientists, that’s official, decided to retry it with Charles the grandson. They put him up as the front man and basically set it off again and really built him up into being a superstar before the public ever, ever saw the book. That’s how you do it today too. You build someone up into a superstar then you launch them. They’re guaranteed to be a success because that’s how easily we are conditioned.

We are taught that a person wearing rags and telling you amazing things and backing up the facts is to be shunned, but you put that same tramp on a stage in London Palladium and dress him in a suit and tie and build him up as a professor and he says the same stuff and you all believe him. There’s a very good book called ‘Straight and Crooked Thinking,’ very old book too, and it’s well worth the read. It shows you how our perceptions work and the elite know this. They use distortion in perception and we see the distortions thinking it’s all quite real. We’re taught this society just evolved up to the present stage that we’re at, tripping over the occasional stone along the way, falling down and getting up and all of that, and that problems happen spontaneously, nothing is ever foreseen. Yet nothing is further from the truth because every major thing that happens in the world to do with wars et cetera takes years and years of planning before they ever start off the ball or roll the ball out and kick it around.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]

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