The Curia is turning the Paola Christ the King Basilica into a hangout for thieves

“Paola Parish priest Marc Andre Camilleri has presented a planning application proposing the creation of a fully-fledged restaurant on top of the Christ the King Basilica.”

“The plans foresee the creation of a lounge area, an outside bar area, and a kitchen on the roof space between the two belfry towers. 

The application also proposes the construction of a souvenir shop at ground floor level along Triq Il-Knisja and exhibition space within the belfry towers including an ‘interpretation centre’. 

In the application Camilleri acknowledges that he is not the owner of the entire site, while declaring that he has been authorised to carry out the proposed development through ‘an agreement with the owner’ of the site, which in this case would be the Curia.”

When I think I have heard and seen it all. The church and the Curia have reached rock bottom. Missejna l-qigħ ta’ vera. It is embracing the bible of the money. So the members of the congregation can now order their meal, hear mass, and then go up on its roof for a beer and chill. What a shame. To the Curia and Archbishop Scicluna I tell you that you have betrayed Jesus and you are Judas Iscariot if you believe that acquiring wealth is the path to power. Keep Christ in mind for nothing and no one else. Jesus is not something you can purchase. You are nothing more than a complete embarrassment to this country and yourselves, so grow up.

There’s no reason of a doubt that the article itself might be riddled with inaccuracies and misrepresentations, as is usual with the mainstream media vis-a-vis the church and priests, but let us not forget how so many churches make the hideous mistake of charging for entry or simply closing their doors outside of mass times. I am aware that at the Paola Parish, one can go for confession, to hear mass, to pray, or simply to visit every single day—all without charge. However, I do not agree with any of this business being proposed.

It is time for the Curia to admit that they are just one whole big business organization and it is there to make profit. It has never been there and will never be there to mirror Christ and draw people to Him in the most spiritual way possible.

“And Yehoshua/Yeshua (Christ) went into the temple of God, and cast out all of them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the money changers, and the seats of them that sold doves, and said unto them, ‘It is written: My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves'” (Matthew 21:12-13).


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