The creation of an aggressive culture

“Now we live in an age where so much is happening and this is all the rage at the top. The ‘in thing’ amongst government and all their workers and employees is that the public are getting so aggressive. Well, who gave us the culture? Remember Bertrand Russell: he said that the state will eventually give the children their culture and their morals, whatever morals they decide to give them and morality could be anything they decide. That’s what morality is. It’s a set of values you’re given for your generation and up can be down. Down can be up. It can be completely reversed in one generation like Plato said and the people don’t even notice it. They just adopt and adapt to it quite easily.

Bertrand Russell said the state will give them their values and that’s happened. He said if we can get them into kindergarten in four hours of indoctrination scientifically done, like you’re training an animal, then whatever values the parents try to instill when the child goes back home will just wash off the child; and that’s happened. A whole generation has grown up like this. The state has given them their values of moral relativity. The state gave them the martial arts programs and series that they watch and they used to go around kicking each other in the playgrounds after watching this stuff.

They gave them the video games that were designed for the military and the big boys at the top running the Pentagon and so on are still involved in the making of these games for children because they want a race of warriors, for a temporary period only, that they must use on their own people. We’ve all lived through this. At the top they’re all worried about the aggressive culture that they’ve created, this tremendously aggressive culture, the dog-eat-dog culture. The ones who go to see the wrestling and say ‘tear them apart. Tear them apart. Kill them. Kill them,’ and they get carried away. I’ll say what the antidote to this is after the following messages.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]

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