The control game of those at the top of every political party

“Hi folks. I’m Alan Watt back with Cutting Through the Matrix. I’m just trying to get through to people that these characters actually publish a lot of material, a lot of very boring reading generally but in amongst all that boring reading and that’s why they do it that way. It’s like the Old Testament that puts you to sleep and then you miss the good part — the part that really matters where the laws and all that stuff are. That’s how they tuck stuff into their books. They lull you to sleep with boring politics and so on. At least you take it as being politics, but then they come out with these little quips where they’re telling you something very important and moreover they’re telling other members of their own societies just how on the mark they are. They’re not afraid of anything. They’re so confident they can pull all of this off and they almost have. This particular group that set up from the secret services in Britain other agencies like MI6, MIS, the CIA. They sent their own man over, Wild Bill Donovan to set up the CIA after World War II and it’s completely meshed and integrated with what you think are your security systems.

They also make sure, as Quigley said in ‘The Anglo-American Establishment,’ that’s the other book he wrote, the other major book. He says, it’s only important to control those at the top of every political party. The rest of the lesser politicians are allowed to go through their usual stuff and compete for brownie points to get up the ladder, but at the top the same institutions make sure, they vet every major candidate that will be presented to you to vote for; so it’s in the bag and that’s how it’s run. So simple and the public never see, never see that they’re being deceived and democracy and Quigley even said the same thing. In democracy we don’t vote for people to get people in. We vote the last bunch out; we’re so sick of them.

This is how they play this game. They put up all these different front groups. So many front groups that they have everybody battling everybody else and never realizing there’s only one puppet master at the top of this whole show and it’s their own agency. They also have all the major media personnel you know that you even grow up with. That’s why they hang on to these characters until they’re about 80 years old and dropping off their chairs because you grow up with these main characters like Dan Rather and so on; and would daddy lie to you, as this guy stares at you eye to eye every night at 6 p.m. on the television. He would never lie to you, would he? Look at the associations they belong to and don’t stop when you find one of them like the CIA. Keep going. You’ll find the real one behind the CIA as well because they all have certain things in common and they’re placed there. They’re placed there for their skill and they’re placed there for their ability to always, always be faithful to the organization they serve, even if it means telling lies and complete lies to the general public. That’s how it’s run and that’s how the whole system has run.

If you want to know where even the secret services of Britain started, go back into the histories of the diplomatic corps of merry old England because as far back as we know, say the 16th century, John Dee was a spy for Queen Elizabeth I of England and he writes about that in his own books. They’re still available in universities today these books. He was a spy. His title was 007 — his number, 007. 007, James Bond, of course, means he’s bonded. He’s sworn an oath. You take a bond in front of the bondsman; you swear an oath. That’s where that comes from.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]

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