The comments on Illum’s article about Maltese educators show that it lost its spin

Here are some comments that Maltese people wrote in response to Illum’s article about the pay rise that educators will receive, although no specific sum has been mentioned yet. From the comments, one can clearly notice that the staff reporter, lost the spin.

[It is not that one needs a lot to have the biggest increases…Let’s see if they will be au pair of that of a profession, where a teacher does not have the need to work more, so that s/he will have more time on one’s hands for self-development and prepare for the changes that they are continuously asked to make. Educators deserve much more because our children deserve better!!!

How did these details reach the media? And who is this staff reporter of Illum? Because when it pleases us, we do not showcase our name.

The person who wrote this article is badmouthing teachers, to fuel the hatred that is already present.

Apparently, the person who wrote this article like teachers a lot, doesn’t he?

I am waiting for the enlightening news that announces that each teacher will get a pay rise of one million.]

[What a disgrace of an article! It contains many unsubstantiated statements and insinuations which were planned to cast an ugly shadow on teachers.]

[No article like this about another profession is ever read.

Start badmouthing and speculating, of course! As if we have many teachers! You only damage the profession. If there is anyone who would like this alarming pay rise which is being mentioned, holidays and working hours, there are many vacancies available. All you have to do is to enrol for the teacher’s course, then do the Masters and then you become teachers.

God willing they will be given a proper salary as they rightfully deserve. You must be truly dedicated to become a teacher, especially with today’s generation of children. Don’t think that they have only school work which stops there. There are a lot of preparations and work to correct. I assure you it is not easy. And they are not paid enough for this extra work.

This staff reporter is a genius. I don’t want to get into the merit of money but he is saying: ‘teachers will remain with the same holidays and with the same conditions, like for example when there is Parents’ Day, the school is closed and children do not attend school. Or else when there are seminars in schools for teaches, the school is also closed.’ Apart from the fact that a school is not closed, what are you claiming? That a teacher must be in two different places at the same time? It is true that everyone has become a journalist nowadays, as long as one writes and says what one wants!!

It is always about the same bullshit, and then there will be some blow hidden behind the pay rise!

The agenda behind the article is clear if you read the first and last paragraph. A mediocre article whose only intention is to harm a group of workers, for the sake of what? Congratulations. Instead of worrying because there are not enough graduate teachers locally, you are worrying about the millions. Excellent priorities.]


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