The beautiful and peaceful Malta we had – Fort tas-Silġ in Delimara

Fort tas-Silġ in Delimara – from a fort converted to a communication centre in the 50/60s and again armed by the Task Force during Malta’s conflict with Libya. Today it hosts one of the local animal sanctuaries, ‘The Island Sanctuary’. In my opinion, these sentient dogs and their kind volunteers and carers should be given a building which is structurally better and cosier since they care for senior, unwanted dogs but with also enough outdoor space for them to roam around, and in which they can also keep their cremation service and host their fundraising Sunday bazaars, while being more accessible to everyone so that this fort is renovated and turned into a tourist attraction. Or, if this is not an appropriate solution, the fort can be renovated while remaining the sanctuary’s haven and when tourists visit, the sanctuary is given a promotion and visiting fees go to the sanctuary. We have so many beautiful and abandoned forts in this beautiful country which have been ruined by the greed industry.

Before I am misunderstood and eaten alive, in no way do I want to cause distress and inconvenience to the sanctuary. Everybody knows how much I love dogs.

Anti-aircraft guns – The ZPU-4 AAMG quadrupled mounted machine gun 14.5mm range, 5000m, 600sec per minute:

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