The authors who give you the insight so to program you, belong to The Futurist Society, which is funded by the big foundations

Alan: “Now I think we’ve got Rick in California there. Are you there, Rick?

Rick: Yes, I am. Can you hear me Alan?

Alan: Yes.

Rick: Well hi. I wanted to bring up just say a joke real quick and then bring up a couple of two authors. The joke I wanted to say was when I looked at this new UN treaty for the sea called Law of the Sea Treaty. I haven’t look into it yet, but all you need to do is look at the acronym to ‘see’ we’ve lost the ‘sea’.

Alan: That’s right. We can all ‘see’ for ourselves.

Rick: For those who can understand it. It just stood out to me right away and also I wanted to bring up two authors. One author I haven’t heard you mention much but it confirms what you’ve been saying. Science fiction author Frank Herbert of ‘Dune,’ back when I read it years ago, you had the intergenerational – I didn’t understand it until I started listening to you. You have the intergenerational breeding program. The [inaudible] that goes for thousands of years where they plan and then another author was Julian May who I read back in the ’90’s. She wrote books in the ’80’s and it was talking about how the aliens were going to come and bring unity to man. Unity was the unified mind, like the hive mind sort of. It just confirms what you’ve been saying.

Alan: That’s correct and also with Herbert, too, he talked about the whole deal was to do with spices. It’s a kind of drug you see and we know about the spice wars in the history books always talking about the spice wars. That was the big boys from London and also from Yale University the other group over there that were into the opium and putting the opium all over the world at the time. That was the acronym for spice, you see. It was all really opium and they called it the spice wars and that’s why it was in that book as well.

Rick: Was Frank Herbert a High Mason do you think?

Alan: He’d have to be to have that insight. All these guys you find belong to The Futurist Society, which is funded by the big foundations and they pick certain authors and bring them into the backroom and say, ‘this is what we want you to write about, make a good story, catch the imagination, but build a story around these certain facts,’ and that’s called predictive programming.

Rick: Well thank you. That’s why I just wanted to ask about one more author if you could comment on her. I was wondering what is your take on Ayn Rand, her background she was promoting?

Alan: She was sent out by the Soviet Union in reality and her job was to act the right hand of the same body. The body had a left and right hand, and her job was to promote individualism to an extent but then to go off in almost a fascist tangent, because at the every end of one of her books, I think it was one of the last ones she did, she talks about the main character who broke free from the masses and became almost a god-like character and he said I-ego. ‘My ego, I ego shall conquer. I shall win and rule.’ That was in there too. You just need to look at all her associates as soon as come across. She also was the mistress of Lord Rothschild for a while.

Rick: Wow, I didn’t know that. Well thank you. All right, so thanks very much Alan.

Alan: Bye now.

Rick: all right, bye.

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