Thanks to the Covid-19 deadly protocol endorsed by the Labour Government, my father’s lungs have aged by eight years

The story of my dad is known. For new readers, whom I thank for the support shown, I suggest going back through past blogs.

In the meantime, how is my dad doing today? On the whole, he is up and about, although I do get worried because I know that his body went through a lot, unnecessarily, thanks to the COVID-19 deadly protocol endorsed by the Labour government and Mater Dei.

Unfortunately, he is now on a lot of medication, and he has to undergo general check-ups every three months. I do try to advise about some healthier paths, but I cannot change the mind of a seventy-year-old, and out of respect and love, I leave everything as is.

During his recent visit to the doctor, he was told that his lungs have aged by eight years. So, although my dad is seventy-years-old, his lungs are 78-years-old. In fact, when he is sitting down, you can hear him taking deep and fast breaths, something which he never did before he was hospitalized.

The thanks go to the COVID-19 deadly protocol endorsed by the Labour government and Mater Dei during this biggest crime against humanity.

The media can keep on publishing its half-truths and lies, because I will not be silenced.

If the government and the puppeteers think, for one millisecond, that the trauma has been passed out from the DNA, I remind them that it has not. I forgive, and forget, in the sense that I do not seek vengeance. But the memory does not forget. Hence why, as I had stated in another blog, ‘I forgive but I do not forget.’ But God sees everything and justice and truth, will, one day, prevail.

I do not care how powerful and psychopathic the puppets and their puppeteers are. I put on the armour of God and will keep walking on the path of this mission.

I will not be silenced, no matter what.

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