Tasmanians on why cloud seeding was conducted by the government-owned company Hydro Tasmania the day before the worst floods in 40 years.

Back in 2016, residents in Tasmania, including farmers, demanded to know why “cloud seeding went ahead while flood warnings were in place for the northern half of Tasmania.”

“Tasmania’s government-owned energy company Hydro Tasmania was asked to explain why it conducted cloud seeding over the Derwent River catchment the day before flooding began”.

I remind the readers that “cloud seeding is a technique used to increase rain to bolster dams and involves the addition of a substance to suitable clouds to encourage the growth of ice crystals or raindrops.” Please note that as this site has already shown, it is also taken up by China:

And there are forty-two cloud seeding projects across the American West:

“Premier Will Hodgman said he was told Hydro Tasmania authorised cloud seeding on Sunday morning in the Upper Derwent catchment, even though heavy falls were forecast.”

“Documents show the flight took place on Sunday morning while there were flood warnings in place in the north.

The flight seeded clouds for more than an hour and a half just north of Great Lake, one of the largest water storage dams in the state.

The flight was targeting the Upper Derwent catchment, which mainly feeds water to several hydro electric dams which lie downstream”.

Please note, that this news was on the Australian mainstream media.

But then they blame the flooding on human-induced climate change, that is you!


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