Socialism was designed to control masses of people in the old science way where in order to see how they respond to things, they have to understand their behavior in order to modify it

“They plan everything years in advance and we can go back to even Teller, this mad scientist that wanted a lot of brownie points at the Pentagon, who wanted to spray the whole world with barium salts and aluminum oxide salts and use HAARP technology across whole continents to subdue the people; and lo and behold, we’re seeing it done today. Meanwhile those who run HAARP, you know the military again, the military establishment, it’s an industrial-military complex, claimed they just built them to admire. They like to take photographs of those big things that they build you see, big projects. They want to just admire them and just do little experiments on the ionosphere.

Meanwhile we’re all seeing the spraying across the skies. We have been for 10 years, at least the ones who can still see. The blind will never see because they’re too busy looking to la-la land and they look at the sidewalk and the pavement and at their feet, but they don’t bother looking up and that’s a surprise to most of us to find out there are people in the world that never in their lives have looked up. Therefore, they have no memories of how clouds used to look and the elite obviously knew this, but no wonder, they’ve had cameras in big cities for long before we were told about them observing the public.

Psychology departments use this footage over 40, 50 years to show you how people react in certain situations by covertly observing the public and that’s what they do. They put cameras up and they record movements and incidences and so on and see how we respond to things, because they have to understand our behavior in order to modify that behavior and it’s an old science. Most folk they knew would never catch on that they’re being sprayed from the sky like bugs like you spray some roach killer on the roaches. That’s what they’re doing. That’s what their doing and people are coming down with all kinds of aliments because aluminum oxide, apart from making you rather stupid, that’s the stuff they also put in toothpaste and call it fluoride and affects your brains. That was in the medical journal in Britain in 1973, The Lancet. They talked about the fact that those with Alzheimer’s always have large concentrations of aluminum in their brain, aluminum oxide et cetera.

They know exactly what they’re doing, but it also has the other effect as the scientist Teller, the H-bomb man, the man who loved big bombs and big explosions and who was well paid to make them. He wanted to spray the sky with this stuff and then use HAARP, or scalar technology as it’s also called, to pulse across the atmosphere and with these metallic salts in the atmosphere — the atmosphere would be more conducive like an electric circuit with metallic particles and it would travel further and be more effective. However, there is another part to that, too, because the longer it’s done the more that’s absorbed by the people down below. You’re absorbing these metallic particles and the HAARP can actually hit you much harder. You’re like a walking antenna.

We’re watching it done, at least the ones with eyes to see. The blind must be left in the land of the blind. You can’t make people wake up that decide not to. It’s much more happy to stay in the la-la land and believe that your betters are taking care of you and making all the right decisions for you. That’s the socialist system. That’s what they meant at the top by socialism, not what the guys at the bottom thought. Socialism was designed really during the Industrial Era to deal with the mass-man and woman, the masses, and how to control masses of people, not to help any particular individual. The individual only finds that out it doesn’t work when they need the help of the associations that they think is out there to help them; the safety nets. It’s not to help people at all.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]

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