Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on the DTP vaccine and how it is killing African girls thanks to Bill Gates

Here is what Robert F. Kennedy Jr. had to say while being interviewed in Newsnation Town Hall about the DTP vaccine, and Bill Gates:

“The most popular vaccine in the world is the DTP vaccine, the Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis. We got rid of it in this country because it was causing injury, severe brain injury or death. One in every three hundred children. We used it in the ’80s and that’s why there was all this litigation against the vaccine companies that precipitated the process of the vaccine act that they gave them immunity from liability. But, in Europe they don’t use it. In America, they don’t use it. But we give it to 161 billion African children every year.

Bill Gates asked the Danish government to support that program and said it saved 30 million lives. The Danish government said, ‘Show us the data.’ He wasn’t able to. So they went to Africa and did their own studies. And they noted 30 years of DTP data. What they found, shocked them all. They found the girls who got the DTP vaccine were dying at 10 times the rate of the unvaccinated girls. And they were dying of things that nobody had ever associated with the vaccine. They were dying of anemia, malaria, pulmonary respiratory disease, and pneumonia. And nobody noticed, for thirty years, that it was the vaccinated girls and not the unvaccinated girls who were dying. And what happened is that these girls were not dying of diphtheria, tetanus or pertussis. The vaccine had protected them against those. But, it also ruined their immune systems and they were unable to defend themselves against other just minor diseases that other girls who had harder immune systems were able to fend off.”

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