Random reflections of minds undoing indoctrination XVIII

No, science has never changed. Everything was from the start just fake. Either you are incredibly naive to have trusted paid scientists, or you realize it was all nonsense and are now attempting to retract your actions to avoid being held responsible for the abhorrent ideas you propagated.

There are many rational and scientific arguments against receiving the injection, and in the end, our position will be revealed to be unquestionably correct.

Our freedom comes from us. It does not come from governments. Or else it is not freedom at all. It is permission.

If we had to break down the word ‘television,’ we would get: “tele vision,” “tell a vision,” “tell lie vision,” and “tell lies visually.” On the television you watch a program, meaning you are being programmed, and you go through channels, because they are channelling your energy.

A dog gets more factual information from sniffing another dog’s butt than a human does from reading the mainstream media.

Mental slavery is the worst form of slavery. It gives you the illusion of freedom, makes you trust, love and defend your oppressor while making an enemy of those who are trying to free you or open your eyes.

A vaccine so safe you have to be threatened to take it, for a disease so deadly you have to be tested to know you have it.

Imagine a virus so deadly that it does not affect those who do not give a shit.

They make you pay for the water you drink, for the food you eat, for the wars they need, for the crimes they commit. They make you dedicate the most important part of your life to them, but they give you wages and tell you they allow you to buy stuff and pay for your needs to make them even richer. They call this freedom.

The government uses your money to purchase a Pfizer product, takes away your rights until you take that Pfizer product, then protects Pfizer from any financial liability if you are harmed. It is almost like the government works for Pfizer.

New Age is so pathetic. People need to realize that it is the one world order fake religion which is pushed by the New Age gatekeepers, who are some of the modern day false prophets that control the alternative narrative with their ‘One consciousness’ and ‘We are one’ doctrine of conspiracy theorists standing up against the New World Order.

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