Random Reflections of Minds undoing indoctrination XIX

Imagine, if you can, a place where people believe war brings peace, drugs bring health, debt brings wealth and the government cares for you.

It is not a sign of caring or wanting the best for you when a culture makes you doubt and question your most basic beliefs. It’s a civilization that seeks to undermine you and your kids while making money off of you. Refuse to submit to such a being.

Did you ever question why when COVID-19 showed up like Superman, the flu went missing, like Clark Kent?

The banks guarantee our continued debt. Big Pharma ensures we remain sick. Manufacturers of weapons make sure we stay in war. The mainstream media makes sure we continue to be ignorant.

Many people believe that the most frequently washed body part in 2021 was the hands. Little do they know that it was the brain.

‘Mum, what is a conspiracy theorist?’ ‘Someone making obvious observations that the government does not like.’

What’s licensing? It’s when the government takes away your right to do something, and then sells it back to you so that you can do the same thing that the government did not allow you to do in the first place.

How can people trust their governments, when they killed over 262,000,000 of their own citizens in the last century alone, is beyond me.

An animal which is taken out of the jungle and placed in a zoo, has a hard time adapting. But an animal raised in a zoo doesn’t have any problems because it’s all they know. The masses are physically and psychologically in a zoo and they don’t even know it because it’s all they know.

Don’t be impressed by university degrees anymore. Graduates are no longer the most educated. They are, instead, the most indoctrinated.

Society has been so much dumbed down and brainwashed, that people automatically label you conspiracy theorist for thinking outside of the box. It is truly a circus full of clowns, in a clown world.

What’s really behind all those Drag Queen Story hours in schools? It is the result of a forty-year initiative to build a ‘site of queer pleasure’ for children and male transvestites, as well as to de-stigmatize adult-child sexuality. It’s much worse than what you imagine.

The COVID-19 vaccine should have been tested first on government officials. If they lived, then the vaccine is safe. But if they died, countries would have been safe.

History is a lie. Paper money is a hoax. Credit is a scam. And the media is propaganda. The system isn’t broken. It was designed that way.

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