Random reflections of minds undoing indoctrination XIV

What is gender indoctrination? It is words like cisgender man, cisgender woman, gender nonbinary, agender, gender fluid and the endless list of the LGBTIQA+ community. Did you ever wonder that when archeologists find human remains, they are always male or female but never the 700 made-up ones?

It is always ‘look at the numbers’ until the numbers no longer fit their narrative.

Know your enemy. They promote vaccines, censorship, climate change and war.

How to depopulate earth: make healthy food so expensive that the lower class will be forced to eat poison.

We have smart meters, smart cars, smart phones, smart whatever…If we had to draw up a hypothesis and come up with a meaning for SMART, can we say that it stands for ‘self-monitoring, analysis, and reporting technology’? It is a smart illusion of safety and convenience, but actually it’s about tricking us into digital control and surveillance.

Porn isn’t real sex. The news isn’t real facts. Alcohol isn’t real courage. Video games aren’t real life. Gambling isn’t real investing. Caffeine isn’t real adrenaline. Social media isn’t really socialising. Degrees aren’t real knowledge.

If you want to live a life that’s grounded in truth, you have to discard all the bullshit that was placed in your brain over the course of your life by manipulated schooling, politicians, pseudo-religions, pseudo-scientists, pseudo-doctors and pseudo-science.

Thinking is hard, so do what the government says.

We have been trained in this society to reject anything we don’t understand. Elevate your mind.

Imagine before 2020 someone telling you they had the flu or a cold with no symptoms.

The tell-a-vision said that if I get all my booster shots, eat bugs, and get an electric car, the weather will be good, and I will save the world from global warming.

We trust the science. We make up the science.

In a world where everybody can be bought, stay priceless.

Our brains were not designed for constant notifications, endless channels, multiple apps, forty hours of week, text messages, emails, and Whats App. No wonder we feel overwhelmed, frazzled, and on high alert. Let us slow down, turn off, reschedule, and delete whenever we can. It is time to give our minds the quiet and the rest we need.

X (Formerly Twitter)