Random reflections of minds undoing indoctrination XIII

Pedophilia is not a sexual preference. Bugs are not food. mRNA injections are not vaccines. Men are not women. The news is not real. Climate change is not a threat. The government is not your friend.

Royalty embodies the exact opposite values to equity, equality, diversity and inclusion. Why are the masses hooked on revering royal families? Why are the masses are doped on revering the wealthy?

Eat less from a box and more from the earth.

Awakening is not a matter of intelligence. Many intelligent people are deep in illusion. Awakening is a continuous lifelong journey but it starts with the individual having an insatiable thirst to know the Truth. It is a question of discernment, of spiritual maturity.

Illiteracy in the 21st century will not be about reading and writing, but about those who cannot unlearn what they were told to believe and what they were presented as factual truth.

Do not be deceived the way the masses are. And in order not to be deceived, you need to imagine the power that a group could have. It does not matter the nature of the group. It can be a religious group. It can be an ethnic group. You name it, you have it. If that group controls what is seen, heard, read, and studied by the masses, then that group has power.

They normalised autism with the vaccine schedule. Have you noticed they are normalising sudden deaths and heart issues?

The truth is that you use fear to control you. It is fear that will kill you. Turn off the tell-a-lie-vision and wash you hands and brain too. Nothing has ever happened but whatever they induced has led to more taxation and more control. It is plain tyranny.

Transhumanism is satanism whereby they are engineering the human condition. As Yuval Harari of the WEF told you “Science is replacing evolution by natural selection with evolution with intelligent design. Not the intelligent design of some God above the clouds, but our intelligent design,” i.e. their satanic ‘intelligent’ design of his majesty with two horns which sits on a throne above the lake of fire. Who wants to be turned into a cyborg?

Nothing makes sense on crypto currency as long as you are a greedy, fortune seeker without providing. Nothing makes sense on crypto currency as long as you are a greedy, fortune seeker running for an easy way. Instead, you are just a hypocrite to humanity by taking instead of giving, by stealing from others, hoarding for your favour or worse still, gaining power over others. If there is a worldwide electrical power cut, all digital platforms go null. We are not in any ‘sustainable’ healing or even loving scenario, are we?

In his book ‘Lights Out,’ Ted Koppell wrote: “Soon you will be required to use a digital ID to log on to the internet to prevent cyber attacks. But when cars are electric and money is digital what will people do when Skynet cuts the power?”

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