Princess Gloria von Thurn on how western leaders are destroying the nations

Princess Gloria von Thurn und Taxis is a German Catholic princess. She was one of several well-known speakers at this week’s National Conservatism Conference, which was held in Brussels on April 16 and 17. The others were author Rod Dreher, former French presidential candidate Éric Zemmour, Brexit campaigner Nigel Farage, Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orbán, and Cardinal Gerhard Müller. By sending police to blockade the facility in an attempt to halt the meeting on April 16, socialist Brussels district mayor Emir Kir unintentionally made sure that the conservative gathering made international news. The mayor’s decree was invalidated by a Belgian court.

At the National Conservatism Convention, a conference in Brussels, she spoke passionately about declining European families.

She remarked, “The last TV series I can remember that promoted the beauty of a large family was “The Waltons” and “The Partridge Family” in the 70s when I grew up.”

“I can’t remember any movie for the last 20 years at least where family was portrayed as something wonderful to strive for.”

“Today it looks like the only people who want to get married are homosexuals. Heterosexuals live together but have no children and don’t get married.”

The princess blamed the current economic situation, in which both men and women must work and therefore have no time to raise children. At the same time, she noted, the dropping European birthrate has led to a need to ‘import’ a workforce from ‘the global south.‘”

She “suggested that by encouraging foreign migration while discouraging the creation of families among the indigenous populations, European nations are committing suicide.”

“The demographic development of Europe is no surprise,” she declared.

“We have known now for decades that, due to our low reproduction rates, a labor shortage awaits us, and yet still our leaders kept financing the killing of our own offspring. Why? what sense does this make? Is there some kind of racism behind it all? Why are we encouraging our own self-extinction?

The princess cited Hungary as an example of a nation that is successfully addressing its demographic challenge by promoting childbearing among couples.

“Hungary has shown that it is possible to turn around and raise reproduction rates significantly,” she said. “Young families receive significant help financially from the government and social recognition too. It is not impossible to rent an apartment in Hungary when you have more than two children. In Germany it is.”

“Princess Gloria believes other countries do not follow Hungary’s lead because they are infected with nihilism and ‘ultimately the nihilists believe that self-destruction is man’s sole purpose on earth.‘” She added that socialists, too, have ‘never had man’s interests at heart.’

“Power and nihilistic, utilitarian abuse was and is their motivation.”

She contrasted the current situation today in Germany with the post-war miracle that transformed the war-devastated country into an economic powerhouse:

“It was Ludwig Erhardt, a Christian Democrat when Christian Democrats still had Christian principles at heart, who invented the so called Soziale Marktwirtschaft [social market economy] after the Second World War. A liberal social economy that made possible Germany’s rise to industrial power. It encouraged both entrepreneurs and workers, because fewer regulations made it possible to pay for social security and to be profitable at the same time. Less government, responsible entrepreneurship and responsible fair pay for workers.

We are a million miles away from this system today. We have more rules and regulations than ever before. These rules and regulations make it impossible for independent entrepreneurs even to get started let alone continue. It almost looks like the government does not want any free entrepreneurship in Europe. It seems as if they want to disperse all of our savings to whoever asks for it first, ideally to people who bring chaos and disorder.

Are we hostages of the culture of death on the sinking ship of no return?

The princess lamented the awful and seemingly hopeless situation of the west, bringing up the American opiate problem, civil conflict, war, “unknown diseases, unrest and hatred,” and the atrocities carried out by Islamists in Europe, which she said were orchestrated behind closed doors.

Princess Gloria thinks that calling on God and asking for His help is the only way to get out of this dilemma.

“If the power of evil is growing it is because we have lost faith in God the Creator,” she said.

“Only by praying to God can we defeat the devil. Evil’s ugly face has never been more visible. Let’s fight it with prayer, the only powerful tool we have and our secret weapon.”

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