Our nation is in a sad state when we have no one of those in power willing to stand strong for the sanctity of the life of the unborn

Our nation is in a sad state when we have no politician who is willing to stand strong for the sanctity of the life of the unborn.

In her first interview with Times of Malta, President Myriam Spiteri Debono is on record stating that she is personally against abortion ‘but would not say whether she would sign an abortion law if it were to land on her desk.’ She said:

I’m personally against abortion but I won’t speculate further. But let’s not be delusional about this – just like it was introduced in other countries, it will eventually be introduced [here as well]. I speak with many young people, and I’m astonished at how some of them – a few of whom even frequent church – come to believe that abortion is acceptable in certain circumstances.’

But she made it clear that if it is ever to be introduced it should ‘not be snuck in through the window in some electoral manifesto’.

A national referendum would be the fairest decision-making tool, she believes”.

When she was pressed on whether she would sign an abortion law or resign if the demagogues self-proclaimed demigods of the city assemblage approved one, the President preferred not to say. In Malta, besides having no executive power to influence or change laws, Presidents have to sign any bill approved by the demagogues self-proclaimed demigods of the city assemblage because it is the same demagogues, unfortunately, who sit on the dictator’s seat.

Prime Minister Robert Abela’s reaction was that “abortion is too important a topic to be decided by a majority or minority of votes” and thus he called for a “mature” discussion about it before any talk of a referendum about it.

I will let the readers analyse the statements of these two.

Our nation is in a sad state when we have no one of those in power willing to stand strong for the sanctity of the life of the unborn. Some say murdering the unborn should be a right, some say it is a matter of the state, and others say that it is up to the people to decide.

Neither is standing for the sanctity of life.

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