On Bob Marley and the purpose to get people smoking marijuana which was altered by the military establishment

Tim: “Can I ask one more question, Alan?

Alan: Very quick.

Tim: Okay. I just wanted to know someone like Bob Marley – what his influence was and what his effect was on the whole culture creation industry and what was his purpose here?

Alan: Marley was a bit of a loner really in a sense. He was rejected by his own community and rejected by his father as well. His father was a British officer in the military and Marley, when he became a bit more popular he got money up to travel over to England and he eventually found his dad, who was married by then, and knocked on the house and his dad in astonishment when he told him who he was didn’t want to know him, so he was very depressed and all the rest of it, but you saw that his life was in his music basically. It was a kind of a happy go lucky, kind of bluesy downish kind of music at the same time. That was where he was. He was between two cultures and not really a full member of either.

Tim: Do you think he realized what his job was like kind of like, to get people smoking marijuana?

Alan: Oh yes.

Tim: …mind control and stuff, and do you think he knew what he was doing?

Alan: Yes. You’ll find all the best marijuana and cannabis was all altered back in the ’50’s and ’60’s by the military establishment. They hybridized the stuff then and made it very, very potent, then they gave it out to the public.

Tim: All right.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]


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