Nas Daily joined WEF’s advisor Yuval Noah Harari to promote atheism through Darwin and his theory of evolution (1)

Nas Daily is an Israeli world traveller, started with a mission to make a 1-minute video every day for 1000 days to have 1,000,000 people discover him, to his fame growing in just two years with Facebook algorithms changing in his favor, and thus, he started showing in your News Feed. By the 1000th day, he had around 11.8 million followers on Facebook.

Then he went on to found Nas Studios, a production studio to tell impactful stories for social media. Then he opened an office in Singapore as he wanted to be part of the growth of Asia. Then he launched a book titled ‘Around the World in 60 seconds.’ Then he founded Nas Academy, to empower creators to become educators. Then he opened another office in Dubai. He also raised $23 million in total funding to build the future of CreatorTech.

He then went on to launch NasSummit which someone described as ‘it’s like Davos for international content creators.’ And finally, he launched Nas Io, a community management platform to help bring people together. All this in around 7 years.

His vlogging platform turned into a multi-million dollar brand.

Is it just a matter of luck? I don’t think so. Is it a matter of hard work? I don’t think so.

In fact, here he is being used to promote atheism—a video that he shot together with the World Economic Forum’s advisor, Yuval Noah Harari, about atheism, who, in his book ‘Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow,’ wrote, ‘humanity’s greatest achievement was the discovery of ignorance; when we learned how little we truly understand about our world and how it works.’ Are they preparing you?

The video, posted on his YouTube channel, which has 13.3 million subscribers, is titled “I studied atheism for 1 month. I fell in love with a bird” generated 219k views. The irony is that Nas Daily claims that he is doing a video of the top six religions, dedicating one month to each, and so that he does not look look as pushing an agenda, he does it in an innocent way but deceitful, while including Christianity. So, why did he include atheism when atheism is not a religion but a movement, so to speak? And why, among all worldwide atheists, did he meet Yuval Noah Harari, who is a World Economic Forum agenda contributor, speaker, and advisor? I kindly ask the readers to read carefully the whole transcript and take note of the doublespeak.

Here is what is said in this video:

Nas: I spent one full month studying his religion. Atheism.

Yuval: Hello. My name is Yuval Noah Harari and I am an atheist.

Nas: He does not believe in God, but I do! So, what can I learn from him? For one full month, I read atheist books. I talked to atheist scholars. And I even got on a flight and travelled all the way to an island in the middle of nowhere. Here! To study this one bird. Yup. This is the bird that inspired millions of atheists. Just one bird in the Galapagos Islands. This is the bird in the wild, right there. Can you see it? It’s so beautiful. But first, some background. I am on a six-month challenge to study the top six religions. One every month. Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and even atheism. This is what I learned from atheism. First of all, atheism is not a religion. I agree. But it is a movement. More than one billion people are atheists. They do not believe in religion. Many of them believe in science instead.

Yuval: I think that being a good person has nothing to do with God. You can believe, not believe, it doesn’t matter. Being a good person is about liberating yourself and others from suffering.

Nas: The atheist movement exploded in the 1850s when this exact book was published. It’s called ‘The Origin of Species’ by Charles Darwin. Darwin was a British scientist who sailed for 5 years to study the world. One day his ship arrived right here in the very, very remote islands of Galapagos Ecuador. Here Charles Darwin noticed something weird. He noticed that the same bird changed based on the island it lived in. In one island, the bird, this one, had a big mouth and was vegetarian. In another island, the same bird had a small mouth and was not vegetarian. The shape of the bird’s mouth changed based on the environment. This shocked Darwin. Why did the bird evolve? And that is when Darwin made his biggest discovery. He discovered that animals are not born perfect. Animals evolve over time. Their wings, colour and size change over generations in order to survive. And if animals evolved then maybe humans do too. Maybe we were not born perfect like Adam and Eve. Maybe humans evolved from monkeys.

Yuval: A lot of small changes create a very big change. So if people ask where did humans come from, we didn’t come from this one big, magical moment, that God created people. Over billions of years a lot of very small changes became us.

Nas: That is how Darwin came up with the theory of evolution. This theory shocked the world. It was against everything that religion taught. It was against Christianity. It was against Islam. But Darwin’s theory was based on evidence that you can measure and see with your own eyes. It made people believe less in religion and more in science. It made atheism explode even though atheism existed way before Darwin.

To Yuval: Muslims have a Quran, and Christians have the Bible. What is your book?

Yuval: This, the universe. Darwin for instance went to the Galapagos and studied a bird. So, who knows what other mysteries are out there if we study this tree or this stone or this butterfly. Science is better at giving answers, because it is better to admit its mistakes. People think that if you never make a mistake that’s the best thing. It’s the worst thing! Now religions refuse to admit it. Even when they admit it, they blame it on somebody else.

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