My reply to last Sunday’s article of the anonymous ‘staff reporter’ of Illum

On Sunday, the staff reporter of Illum was at it again.

It was not enough to dash all out against teachers the Sunday before. Now it is all out against Imperium Europa and independent MEP candidates. This is the type of article that is produced when a journalist does not have any solid arguments to have as a base for his article, but in order to gain some readership or create the famous ‘sensationalism’, he stoops low to spit some venom.

The article just spewed hatred in order to make the public spew hatred against Norman Lowell and all the other independent MEPs. Forget it that we are living in a democracy, dear readers! We are in a quasi-democracy, maybe! Because the mainstream media, which should be the kitchen god between the truth and the public, is just a liberal, leftist media that thinks that only she has the right to speak and trumpet its agenda of abortion, and any other narrative like that of the deadly and experimental COVID-19 vaccine, whereas the others are garbage and have no place in a fascist society which is preparing to get married with communism!

This is communism, dear readers. And when a staff reporter stoops low to offend, it just shows you the kind of person that journalist is.

Everyone is free to contest under which umbrella they want, or none at all. And everyone is free to vote as they wish. This is what should be a democracy.

The irony is that the media portal Illum, badmouths Normal Lowell while labelling him as ‘Nazi’ when in reality, we have been living under a Nazi regime since the beginning of COVID-19, if not before! But the liberal, leftist, media like Illum does not tell you this, dear readers. Because it sold you COVID-19 as ‘for your health and benefit’ while it makes you think that you are being cared for in a democratic country!

But there was something which struck me and should not go unnoticed. When the staff reporter turned to badmouth the independent candidates, he wrote, “Then there is a long list of independent candidates. From former Nationalist deputies like Edwin Vassallo who is conservative and strangely criticizes the PN which is liberal.” Firstly, dear readers, you have been given the admittance that the PN has become a liberal party, which means, that it is the same as the PL, which means, that you are no longer voting for a socialist party or for a conservative party. You are not being given a choice. You are being conned. Secondly, it is exactly because Edwin Vassallo is a conservative that he criticises the PN, which has become liberal. So, what does the staff reporter of Illum expect and what is his statement exactly? Edwin Vassallo is an honest family man of sound values and morals. And hence why he was slowly chucked out of politics. There is no room for conservatives with sound values and morals in the politics of the liberal and the corrupt.

I remind the readers that the church media, Newsbook, has also banned Edwin Vassallo from its media. As far as I know, the church media, being Catholic, should be anti-abortion and conservative so it should be all out promoting Edwin Vassallo, no?

Then the staff reporter went on to badmouth Profs. Simon Mercieca, writing that he is best known for his blog where many times he writes bluntly without all the facts.

Shall we all yawn, while we remember that the mainstream media pushes a narrative while omitting other important current affairs to give the public lies and half-truths which are worse than lies?

And then the staff reporter adds in the mix what he calls ‘the other personalities,’ ‘the comedians’ and ‘the Tiktokers’ and others driven by theories such as those against the COVID vaccine. Do not worry dear readers. I might be another personality and a comedian driven by theories such as those against the COVID vaccine but I do not have TikTok or Instagram as I hate social media. Do not worry dear readers. I might be another personality and a comedian driven by theories such as those against the COVID vaccine but I am not contesting for any election, even though I have been asked by two parties to join them and I was even asked to contest for the local councils election. I prefer to remain an honest woman with no strings attached to anything that has to do with politics, running this website which is a one-woman show, holding one voice for the collective, run for free for humanity, with the two goals that are stated in the ‘Home’ section:

“Thus, this site has two main goals. The first is to stay on a continuous, spiritual quest for the Truth so to assist humanity in filtering through the deceit. The second is to create a Truth movement through Christ. It will, throughout, root for humanity and all God’s creation.”

But if you want to call me a personality and a comedian, well at this stage I am taking all sorts of compliments from anyone who both pushed and adhered to the propaganda of the deadly and experimental COVID vaccines. Staff reporter of Illum, do you get it?

I would like to ask the staff reporter of Illum if he fears new information that conflicts with his stagnated beliefs.

I would like to ask the staff reporter of Illum if he fears the idea of being wrong so much that he will refuse to wake up to what is happening.

The staff reporter has showed that he does not have any solid arguments on which to build an article because there was no change from within. Illum is just another mainstream media portal telling one side of the story. The world needs one day’s honest media coverage and the entire covid narrative would collapse. The entire agendas will collapse. But the staff reporter is just another ‘personality,’ and ‘comedian’ of the mainstream media which lacks all originality whatsoever.

Not all journalists are afraid to speak out but the staff reporter of Illum is, because Illum is just another propaganda service in the world double standards and repression, doctoring information as an extension of establishment control.

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