MP Andrew Bridgen: the British government is silent about the number of excess deaths that Britain is witnessing

Former Tory MP Andrew Bridgen debated the excess deaths in the British Parliament. British broadcaster and journalist Sonia Poulton talked about this debate on her programme, but her video caused her a strike on YouTube on which she won’t be allowed to post for a week. She appealed the decision because, in her words, ‘it is not ‘medical misinformation’ as they say but it is simply reporting a Member of Parliament talking about excess deaths.’

Now, yesterday, in front of approximately 14 or 15 MPs, who bothered to turn up, MP Andrew Bridgen held his excess death debate in the British Parliament. He started by saying ‘We are witnesses to the greatest ever medical scandal in living memory.’ And he’s right. Although from the outrageous lack of interest from MPs to media, you wouldn’t know it. Mr Bridgen talks about how the new novel and untested C-19 jab was a large part of the problem. He dismissed that he is that fabled creature, the antivaxxer, and pointed out that he had been double-jabbed. He even promoted it and he was now, vaccine injured. He pointed out quite correctly that intelligent people should be able to tell the difference when those of us are simply questioning a product that not only doesn’t work, how they told us it would work, but it causes serious harm and even death to some people. He was critical of the influence of parliamentary whips and group thinking. He said that this debate was going to be the subject of serious scrutiny by future generations and I have to agree with him. The fact is that parliament is hugely complicit in this scandal. No wonder the chamber was all but empty yesterday. The fact is as Mr Bridgen points out, there are people in parliament and around parliament and WHO-informed Covid and the jabs’ policy on a national level. And there are people in organizations who have hid key data in order to be able to carry out the mass jab program. On this he was referring to the Office of the National Statistics, who have now changed how they gather and release data around this issue. I’ve talked with doctors on this show and they see absolutely no reason for accept, well for a form of smoke and mirrors when it comes to the issue of excess deaths. The old calculation method has been sent packing and it would appear because it was unhelpful for the powers that be. As one example Mr Bridgen pointed out that 20,000 excess deaths have been air brushed away from the figures of 2023. He referred to the ‘Do not resuscitate’ orders, aka DNR, and about the document that was circulated to doctors in hospitals in March 2020 and was supposed to be guidelines but it was taken as policy and it resulted in people literally being allowed to die because the NHS and the people working in it, deemed them no longer worthy of saving. Yes, that happened. I’ve watched with people who watched as their loved ones were slipped away and they were watching on iPad. And he also points out that this happened as medical staff danced on TikTok. What happened to us? Why did we lose our humanity during C-19 in which we allowed the psychopaths who run our Establishment, to put so many people to death? And to continue that by coercing, bullying, and part-mandating some of us to take a jab that has not been through the normal vaccine procedure and for which I have personally talked about many whistleblowers about the negligence of these gene-therapy jabs. The fact is that period was extremely dark. There were excessive amounts of midozalam, a morphine ordered and administered to elderly people. We treated our vulnerable and sick as if they didn’t matter, as if they were useless eaters to be dumped with to save and protect younger, healthier people as if some of us were more worthy than others. Everyone involved, from the then Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Health Secretary Matt Hancock are calpable for this. Every single leader, from Rishi Sunak to Keir Starmer – all promoted it. They all supported it. Every government-appointed scientist who turned out to have shares and interest in private health care companies and big pharmaceuticals. The system is rotten. The jabs were never safe and effective. But it didn’t matter. Because the government gave the companies immunity anyway and unlike the British public who was thrown to the wolves and every heart attack thereafter, blamed on everything from not sleeping in the correct position to having hay fever. Mr Bridgen’s ended his speech by calling for immediate suspension of the mRNA jabs for both humans and animals, impending an outcome. It as at this point that the public gallery absolutely erupted with cheers and the Madame Deputy Speaker said, ‘No, no, no’ which just about sums up parliament approach to hearing about excess deaths.

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