Minister Ian Borg pushes the climate change agenda at the UN Security Council

During a debate in the Security Council of the United Nations on the role of young people in addressing the challenges in the Mediterranean region, the Minister for Foreign Affairs Ian Borg warned that climate change is leading to an increase in sea levels and that this is a threat to the cities built along the coast that contribute a lot of the economy of their respective countries.

Borg made it clear that if climate change is not addressed today before tomorrow, it will continue to adversely affect the Mediterranean, which will not be ready to face the consequences. He said that climate change causes major environmental challenges and destroys decades of progress, mentioning how the increases in temperatures, heat waves and global drought are some of the consequences of climate change that are threatening the security of food and water in the Mediterranean. Do you know what is a threat to Malta, dear readers? The overburden that Malta is going through thanks to it becoming an overly dense population thanks to illegal immigration and other third country foreigners, with the blessing of the same UN and your government, thanks to which Malta’s infrastructure, like the electrical and drainage systems, are collapsing!

The Security Council is the United Nations’ most important and powerful organ. Malta currently sits on the Council as a non-permanent member and is also serving as the council’s president for the month of April. Through Ian Borg, Babylon is again endorsing the climate change agenda of and with the whore of Babylon.

He added that climate change alone is threatening the future of the Mediterranean region which is facing so many different challenges. Is building pools on ODZ land part of these challenges, Ian Borg? Is removing every tree and destroying fields to build new roads, like the Central Link project, which was done under your watch as a former minister for Transport, Infrastructure, and Capital Projects, part of those challenges? Is granting permits for the rich boys to build next to the coast, part of those challenges?

The only challenges that the Mediterranean region is facing, including Malta, are those that are being clamped upon it by those like Ian Borg who should be serving the people, but who instead, are endorsing the evil global agendas so that they bring forth the centralization of power through the climate change agenda, which is part of the green agenda where everything has to do with the environment which is yet another agenda so to control the people.

Borg stated that it is a disgrace that many young people are being excluded from participating in the decision-making on climate change ‘despite the fact that one in three people in the Mediterranean is under 25 years old. I love the doublespeak. It is a pity that, through indoctrination, they haven’t turned the young people into the type of activists they need, where they put the young around their table as decision-makers so they can push their agendas and influence the young. And if something happens, they will point their fingers at the young, as these same young were part of that decision. The young are always the target, you see!

But indoctrination did work with the young people in the Mediterranean whom he praised because he said they are at the forefront of the fight against the evil agendas of the globalists which are climate change, conflicts and extremism. He also praised women and LGBTIQ+ people who are all fighting against these factors. Borg said that this is very important considering that girls and women are the most vulnerable to the challenges in the Mediterranean region. Women have always been the target of the propaganda, you see! Ian Borg, do not include me and women like myself when you speak of these women, please! Ian Borg, women are not vulnerable beings so stop portraying us as so!

Ian Borg has jumped on the bandwagon of climate hysteria.

I hope you, the people, understand that this is communism taking shape under the guise of climate hysteria and that Ian Borg is pushing this agenda at the UN’s council. I hope you, the people, understand that all these agendas that they are pushing through the green agenda, are just another way to regulate and dominate your life. It is a war. It is a grab of power.

This is all a Marxist policy.

And if you want proof of this, I suggest you read the book of the Club of Rome, ‘The First Global Revolution’ in which they clearly tell you the kind of future they want to usher in. And since the Club of Rome is part of the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA), they had clearly stated in the seventies that the idea is of using the environment to control you.

Everything is on black and white as they always tell you, in their books and those of their agents. They just think you won’t take them seriously and that it is fiction. So, please, do your research and understand that all those in authority whom you have elected, like Ian Borg, are not there to serve you but are there to serve unelected bodies like the UN, the one world government.

Do not take their bait.

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