Mark Camilleri should be careful what he wishes for

“Mark Camilleri has suggested that brothers George and Alfred Degiorgio should be locked up in solitary confinement with no privileges after they refused to testify against murder suspect Yorgen Fenech.”

Last week Magistrate Rachel Montebello authorized new charges against them because they have refused to testify against Fenech, since they have filed a constitutional case to demand a retrial.

Ironically, the court ordered their arrest, when we all know that they are not running scot-free as they are currently serving 40-year prison sentences for their role in the 2017 assassination of journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia.

The building with the stairs has turned into a clown theatre.

Anyways. What did Mark Camilleri of their highnesses the Galizias’ clan, have to say about this?

Lovin Malta quoted that in his blog, he said:

“The Degiorgio brothers have to be punished severely for refusing to testify, including by keeping them locked in solitary confinement with absolutely no privileges whatsoever and consuming only the very minimum amount of food and water to survive.”

“The conditions of their confinement should be as difficult and rough as possible so they get finally bored and irritated enough to fulfill their duty and testify as soon as possible.”

“If the guards taunt them a bit about their misery, that would also help speed up things a little.”

“The Degiorgio brothers are not ordinary criminals. They are criminal gunmen and fighters against the state who hold a totally different set of rules from the laws and rules of the state.”

“They have their own organisation and network and they murder and kill people in cold-blood and have no remorse about it. This isn’t a case of criminals who are being rehabilitated. This is war, so act accordingly you fools.”

Why is it that when unfortunately I have to read in a mainstream media article what he wrote, I feel that I am dissecting a snake’s eye in order to study the size of the venom gland, the salivary gland from which a snake spits venom? Rest assured, that if this metaphor had to be transferred to Camilleri’s mode of writing, I would need a big laboratory as huge as the African continent to fit in the biggest snake ever found and study its venom gland whose size would relatively mirror the size of the snake. You can imagine how much venom such a gland would contain!

Anyways. I remind Camilleri that the Degiorgio brothers have signed an affidavit signed by their lawyer, whereby they have accused Muscat ‘il-Koħħu’ of having concocted a “story full of colour, to lie about everything to do with our alleged involvement. They also stated that they had never received any cash from Yorgen Fenech, for no reason; now, in connection with Daphne Caruana Galizia… we did not even know this person [Fenech] existed before the arrests started.” I remind the readers that the Degiorgio brothers had also stated that they know that “high-ranked police officers at the Depot [that Theuma] was namedropping people who were not being investigated, but never Yorgen Fenech”.

So how does Camilleri expect them to testify against Yorgen Fenech? Is he thus in favour of lying under oath?

Then he continues to write nonsense that the brothers “are fighters against the state who hold a totally different set of rules from the laws and the rules of the state.” If, as even declared by the Degiorgios, “Theuma never mentioned to us Yorgen Fenech, but always someone prominent in the government with an office in Valletta. We never heard of Fenech at the time, and the money paid to us had to be collected from a prominent office of the government in Valletta, as told to us by Theuma,” can Camilleri explain his statement, since it is clear, that the Degiorgio brothers were working with public officials who were part of the same state and who are involved in the murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia, and who is not Yorgen Fenech? Is Camilleri, thus, protecting and speaking up for the true mastermind and his cronies? Is he thus one with the State, since we have high-ranking public officials who are mentioned to be involved, not only in Daphne’s murder but also in other high-profile crimes?

And look who’s talking! Someone who was once hand in glove with the state and who once out, put himself on an ego trip of vengeance and revenge. Hypocrisy and truth do not lie in bed together, dear Mark Camilleri!

I remind the readers that the Degiorgios have been repeating the same things ad infinitum and their version never changed, unlike that of Theuma who changed millions versions after mentioning freemasons which was then put under the rug and never mentioned again. When versions do not change, it means that the truth is being uttered. When the truth is being told, you don’t have to remember what you have said.

Interestingly, then he wrote that the Degiorgios have their own organisation and network. Actually, it is the psychopathic mastermind and his psychopathic cronies who have their own network and organisation, who then engaged the Degiorgios among others to do the nasty jobs. Yes, it is war, dear Mark Camilleri – this is war against a corrupted case so that the truth emerges.

So, dear Mark Camilleri, be careful what you wish for, because usually life has a habit to knock on our door and gifts us with what we have wished others. When a puppet obeys the puppeteer who coincidentally happened to be part of the Galizias’ clan, and publishes parts of a chat on which there is a divjit from the court, and is thus breaking the law, he might easily be found locked in a difficult and rough confined heart space until he gets bored, irritated and miserable. And while he is in such a state, he reminds himself that he broke the law himself while also being part of a network which is doing the utmost to taint Fenech’s trial.

This network does not have remorse about any harm it does. This isn’t a case of criminals being rehabilitated. This is a case of having criminals who are involved in the murder, but who are still running scot-free among us.

This is war, so I am sure that the Degiorgio brothers are acting accordingly so that hopefully, the truth reigns and this war, is won.

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