It all boils down to being terrified into carrying on the way we are and allow ourselves to go into the more managed society

“Hi folks. I’m Alan Watt. I eventually got on the air. It was right on 8 o’clock when the first ring of that phone went off so did my power completely and it’s been a mad dash to plug in the cordless phone into the battery backup and get a lamp lit, which is now done and hopefully the battery will last for the next hour. You’ll hear this beeping in the background. That’s the backup going and it’s November 19th, 2007.

Newcomers should always look into for lots of free downloadable stuff and also some things for sale, which are not miracle cures or anything like that. They’re just basically books on some of the histories and the coding of the system, a lot of the buzz terms you hear and what they mean that’s put out by the media. Look into for transcripts which you can download in the tongues of Europe.

Here’s the matrix right now. The matrix is going into its next phase. The phase of getting everyone to go along like a herd, a herd of cattle or sheep into the next new world system that’s been developed, not spontaneously, not by one particular master mind, but by big foundations all working in tandem for actually centuries now with unlimited financing from these big tax-free foundations and all headed and owned really privately by the big banking boys. The banking boys have always down through history been in bed with the pharmaceutical agencies. Generally, they own them as well. If you go all the way back to Egypt you’ll find the same traits in them, the MO’s [modus operandi] of their trail and it’s no different today. That’s why medicine with the medications et cetera are being pushed to the fore, inoculations pushed to the fore because it’s all methods of controlling the people. Not to make them healthier as a herd but to make them more controllable.

Environment, of course, is a big, big part of this whole game. The environment is now being bombarded on the public by the media. They’ve stepped into high gear now and all we’re going to hear now for the next 10 years or so is “catastrophes.” Growing catastrophes, projected catastrophes, and the sky is falling every day, from the United Nations and the consortium that works with them and that’s all of these professors. There’s thousands of them. They get grants from the same foundations. They also give grants to the United Nations, so you know who the United Nations works for. In fact the United Nations was the brainchild really of the guys that put together the Royal Institute for International Affairs and from that they have different think tanks. Each one is specialized in a certain area and the one to do with where we’re going and how to control the public is really The Club of Rome. They came up with the great fantastic ideas for the future and how to get the public to believe something; then they give these ideas to fixers, those who can put it into agendas that will work being propagated to the public through the media and train the children at school and sure enough, they’ll all go along here. The children will grow up thinking that everything they’re told by the experts is true. It’s a religion. You see, science is a religion and it’s being used in exactly the same way as religions controlled the people in the past.

The person in the Middle Ages was inside a kind of box, a mental box because everything that happened in his or her life had to be bounced off that boxed walls. The walls were the holy bible and what the priests were telling them and that’s all they knew. That’s all they knew and they didn’t even question it. They thought that was true. It must be true, and it’s no different today with the scientists with their global warming and CO2 emissions and now they’re going back to 20 million years supposedly to check on what it was like back then, (like they know, right) and give us all this fake data and statistics and so on so that we will be terrified into carrying on the way we are and allow ourselves to go into the more managed society. That’s what it boils down to.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]

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