Israel also targets to bring 65,000 foreign Indian workers to work in its construction industry

It is good to know that Israel is importing Indians to it so that it provides them with jobs in the construction industry.

“The Ministry of Housing has begun a rapid plan to bring about 40,000 more foreign workers to Israel for jobs in the construction industry.”

“So far, about 1,200 workers from India have arrived in Israel. About another 1,200 more workers from India are now going through an absorption and training process. In total, by May, about 5,000 workers from India will arrive and another 5,000 workers will have gone through a screening and training process in preparation for their arrival in Israel.”

The excuse is that they need to save the construction industry.

And so, Israel targets to employ over 10,000 foreign workers from India by the end of June, and at the same time, beginning the process of absorbing approximately 10,000 foreign workers from other countries like Georgia, Sri Lanka, and Azerbaijan.

The ultimate aim is to replace the approximately 65,000 Palestinian workers who have been barred from entering Israel from the West Bank since the start of the Hamas conflict on October 7 with 65,000 international workers.

Why aren’t these jobs being given to the Israelis?

Do you see the pattern which is like the current situation in Malta?

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