Is Mater Dei going through the crisis of the ‘pandemic of the vaccinated’?

Dr. Adrian Delia, who is now shadowing the health ministry, put up the below post on his Facebook page:

The whole post read: ‘Ili 11-il siegħa drip fil-kurutur wiċċi qisu ballun kullħadd iħares. Issa tefgħuni f’sala taħt l-art. Qegħdin 16 pazjent, 10 irġiel, 4 nisa u lanqas fejn ninħaslu ma għandna għax qaltilna din is-sala għan-nies li jkunu se jmutu allura m’għandhomx bżonn showers.’

[I have been in the corridor with the drip for eleven hours, with a swollen face like a ball, with everyone looking at me. Now they have put me in an underground hall. We are sixteen patients, of whom ten are men and four are women and we do not even have a shower where we can shower because we were told that this hall is used for patients who are on the brink of death and do not need to shower.

In a comment to his post, Dr. Adrian Delia added: ‘Messaġġ li rċevejt illejla. Iċċekkjajt u gejt infurmat li l-isptar qed jisplodi bin-nies u m’hemmx post għall-pazjenti. Għandna krizi liema bħalha.’

[This is a message that I received this evening. I checked and I was informed that hospital is exploding with people and there is no space for patients. We have a unique crisis.]

Mater Dei is in a crisis. Clearly, it is exploding, or worse still, imploding. The real health pandemic is now.

And all this is happening post-rollout of the deadly and experimental COVID-19 injections.

Can someone tell us if Mater Dei is going through a pandemic of the vaccinated?

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