Intelligence Gathering and Counterintelligence

Alan Watt: “We’ve got Rick in California. Are you there, Rick?

Rick: Oh hi. I just wanted to talk to you. Back like when you were on Sweet Liberty you did a very good job of dismantling or cutting through some of the superstars in England who spin us off into the reptilian new age and all that and I’ve become concerned lately. I’ve got this video and it’s really good. It’s got sound bits for the masses. It covers all of your material (it’s from Texas) in it. It covers the stuff you’ve been teaching about eugenics really well without crediting your name. I watched this thing and I was going to play it — considering playing it at a college or a coffee shop to open up peoples minds, but then I realized I couldn’t play this video to Mexicans because this man calls them illegal aliens and so I became concerned. I started thinking about counterintelligence and what the intended effect would be, where they take certain things and they start spinning them off into divisive camps and so I was wondering what your thoughts on that were, Alan.

Alan: You see, I have so much of the inside scoop. I know so much of what goes on and I generally don’t talk about it. I’ve had the offers from the big boys themselves and in fact I was promised lots and lots of money if I just joined them; and I’m talking about all those who run the whole New Age and all the rest of it and even those who do the videos for them. There’s always a connection between the person who does the mainstream big videos for these characters; and he phoned me up and talked for two hours and was going to do a documentary for two hours on me if — at the very end he’d asked about the alien agenda, what I thought about it and I told him what I thought. In other words, I wouldn’t go along with it; and if I had I would have been on every major talk show across the planet on a weekly basis, one of the biggest shows. I got that from other guys who put out books as well. I said I would not join them. I would not mislead the people and then they threatened to get me off different radio stations if I didn’t go along with them. That’s just happened by the way with Red Ice. You have no idea what really goes on because this whole agenda of the New Age causing disrupting and so on of different races of people et cetera is all part of the big one agenda and it’s been in the planning for a long, long time and they don’t like people who come out with the straight facts. It’s called intelligence gathering; and when you want to counter it, you take the same intelligence, you tack on your spin and then you’d have counter intelligence. They counter the intelligence.

Rick: I just wanted to say, Alan, that what I really like about you is that you don’t belong to any group, like you’re not part of any camp or philosophy, that you’re not shackled by either nationalism or whatever, or you know what I mean, or Marxism. A lot of people I meet they get at the truth and they know the truth but they’re still loyal to their party or their race or their country and it kind of like spins them off. It takes them away from the truth basically.

Alan: That’s what counterintelligence is all about. I’ve always told people. Now I don’t know the video you’re talking about but I’ve seen other ones. I also know people who pump me for information privately over the phone over the years and it would end up in the next book of the big stream authors. Some of them admitted they were doing this eventually. Eventually they fessed up to it. Hold on and I’ll talk to you once we come back from this break.

Hi folks. I’m Alan Watt and we’re cutting through more of this matrix that’s very, very long indeed. I’m talking to Rick in California about some of the things that actually happened and I can’t stress enough the society is always shaped over generations. Changes are shaped over generations and directed by departments of culture creation; and to create myths or create religions, for instance, it can take many decades and just gradually step it up, step it up, until, like Bertrand Russell said, people can be made to believe anything. Adam Weishaupt said the same thing. It wasn’t because they suddenly realized it. It’s because those guys had archives of information where they saw it happening down through history and how it was actually done and introduced into the people, reinforced and the people believe.

I think it was Charles Forte that said in every age in every era the proper authorities saw to it that the proper religion was taught properly to the people and it was done properly and the people believed properly. That’s how simple it is, and because the vast majority come to believe something doesn’t mean it’s true, but the vast majority can be made quite easily to believe anything simply by repetition and the more people who all agree about it and the minority eventually join them. However, the dirty tricks that goes on in counter intelligence is no different from big business as well, as businesses take over businesses. It’s a constant war between all these things and truth and reality. We have a lot of radio stations, for instance, that start up when they see something works for someone else, they’ll start something up; and in the business of imagination there’s no better one to follow than the original Art Bell Show, which is called Dreamland, remember. Dream land. That’s why it was on late at night. That’s why your late night news is on at 11 p.m.; it’s to keep you up, modify your behavior. You don’t go to bed early. You’re in a hypnotic state between sleep and awakefullness and you can get downloaded more easily. That’s why these things are on so late and other ones copy that.

Now if you want to get into business and make a go of it you don’t want the truth to be spoken. You want to just fascinate the people, mislead them and so on, as long the money comes in, so you have a moral problem right off the bat if you catch on to the fact that the information you’re putting out is really disinformation or it’s having negative effects on people. I’m sure they all know this because first of all they do twinge the psychotic fringe who jump into real psychosis when they get into all this stuff and they’ll get plenty of mail from those people telling them what’s happening to them, so their conscience then has to make a decision. Do they carry on with the same format and deceive the people for the dollar, or do they tell the people the truth? I try to stick to telling the truth, but I’ve had people literally over the years pump me for hours and hours and hours and I used to do it, give out information, only to find out they were passing this information on directly to certain authors. Whatever intelligence I give out with facts and so on is going to be grabbed very quickly by all sorts of groups and you might think it’s main figures that you see or hear about publicly. It doesn’t have to be so, there are teams of them working who put the stuff together for a lot of these characters and that’s called counterintelligence.

Rick: Can I say something? The name of the video is “Endgame” and you know I really enjoyed it. It’s very well done but I have a lot of Mexican friends and he used the term illegal alien which is a dehumanizing term.

Alan: It is. It’s a smear. It’s a smearing term and don’t forget they do not only expect clashes eventually. The big boys want clashes eventually as two cultures meet and not by gradual integration but by literally enforced migration. That’s what it is right now and we know that the big foundations fund lots of what’s called illegal immigration. They fund it south of the border from the U.S. side because that is the agenda and the more chaos they can create amongst people and tensions the government has to come in with new laws that affect everyone. They don’t care about you, me, or what country you come from. They don’t care about that at all, but they love the conflict because it gives them a reason to pass laws.

Rick: Yes, I feel like his show and everything — I think it can cause conflict. It could be counter productive in that way.

Alan: Absolutely. To be honest, you see I’m above even countries and it’s very, very true what Socrates said when he had to drink the hemlock supposedly. So we’re told by Plato and because these guys were aristocracy didn’t mean they were complete liars. They often said incredible statements of truth. He said, “J die not as an Athenian or a Greek or an Attican basically. He said, “I die as a citizen of the world,” and that’s the term that the Rockefeller Foundation used when they give the citizenship awards to all the big players, including some that are running to be your next president. They’ve all been given citizenship of the world awards by Rockefeller. It’s all a game to them at the top. Even nations and the creation of nations is all a game.

Rick: I hope you didn’t mind me bringing this up and I just want to thank you.

Alan: Well thanks for calling. Yes, I haven’t seen that one yet.

Rick: All right. Have a good night.

Alan: And you too.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]

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